⚪ Bubble Card - A minimalist card collection for Home Assistant with a nice pop-up touch

So about the sub-buttons for thermostat, there’s no relevant service call. The only way I could figure out how to do it was through custom button cards as they support JS…

type: custom:button-card
aspect_ratio: 3/1
icon: mdi:minus
  action: call-service
  service: climate.set_temperature
    entity_id: climate.study
    temperature: |
      [[[ var temp = ((states['climate.study'].attributes.temperature) - 0.5);
         return temp; ]]]

Would this also work with sub buttons please?

Well indeed… I guess that I will need to add a new card type for that then :grin:

This is weird, can you take a look for any related logs? I’m using it on Android without issues.

And also can you tell me if it was working correctly before beta 11?

There’s a difference in bg colour between the two buttons. Could we get both to match each other?

(L)Slider, (R) Switch (v2-beta.11)

Better yet, I think a gradual gradient effect will look nice on both:

Screenshot 2024-05-26 at 19.45.52


I will take a look at this for the next beta, but I will not add a gradient, I like to keep it flat :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: I’ve just tried and they are no difference between them on my setup, are you sure that you don’t have any custom styles on it?


Weird, I have no custom styles applied at all

So I think it can be done without JS by making two scripts for each climate device (one to lower and one to increase temp), then making a service call to each script. However, this seems like a tiring solution.

A new card type making life simple would be much appreciated by noobs like me.

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I totally agree! I will work on that for the v2.0.1!

Awesome! I really appreciate all your hard work! Thank you

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I’ve tried again with different themes with no luck, are you sure that you have the v2.0.0-beta.11? You can check that in the editor. If not just try to clear your cache.

It seems like a Safari/WebKit issue, even with cache cleared. I just tested it with other browsers and it works totally fine. Could you confirm this on your side also?

Hi Cloos,

About this, and sorry for the noob question, how can I asked HACS to grab the v2 branch?

Go to HACS, front end, bubble card. Then click the 3 dots on the top right and redownload. Toggle on show beta versions, select the latest and you’re off.

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Thanks a lot mate!

Has anyone managed to get a good security/alarm control card going with bubble card? I’m struggling and just thinking of sticking with Mushroom for my security control for now

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I’ve just tried on Safari and on iOS and it works the same. This really looks like a cache issue.

@Cloos is this possible?

Hey, first thanks for this great project. I just wonder if there is a way to make a popup fit to its content dynamically. (auto height)
Some popups in my configuration are just filled with a small bunch of cards so there is much white space left.

Hi! To have a fixed height for a pop-up you can add that in YAML (or directly in the editor), just replace 400px by the height you need.

    margin_top_mobile: calc(100vh - 400px)
    margin_top_desktop: calc(100vh - 400px)

These issues should be fixed in the beta 11, can you confirm this?

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