Buy a ready2use zigbee2mqtt stick - flashed, antenna mod and printed case

Forgive the silly question, I have a single Xiaomi gateway running with several Xiaomi devices, do I need to purchase the router or the coordinator?

You’ll need a router, coordinators create their own network, i.e. the Xiaomi gateway is a coordinator.
Though I am not sure if a regular zigbee router plays well with the Xiaomi coordinator…

If you have a debugger, you can flash any firmware on the device that you like, be it router or coordinator fw. The debugger is about 10 dollar on AliExpress.

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If you want to switch from the xiaomi gateway to zigbee2mqtt you will need a coordinator flashed with zigbee2mqtt.

So the coordinator is like the main device and a routes extend the existing network of the coordinator.

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Thanks both @h4nc so your pre-flashed device that you’re selling is exactly what I need? I just need to specify the coordinator zigbee2mqtt, which is what yours is? If so, could you PM me prices, shipped to UK?

If you want to switch to zigbee2mqtt, yes,

If you want to stay with the xiaomi gw and need a router to extend this network, no.

Will do.

Here you can find a great tutorial, this should help to answer most questions:

and of course:

I have a new ready2use device. It’s another OpenMQTTgateway device. So it’s not for zigbee2mqtt.

I made the PCB for the modules inside, the 3d printed case and the soldering. Of course its also flashed, but I am not a developer.
All credits for this great project go to the dev (1technophile) of this great project.

So until now I made the following OMG devices:

  • ESP32 with RF, BLE and an LED
  • NodeMCU ESP8266 version with RF and an LED.
  • ESP32 with BLE

Of course you can choose the colors of the case (and maybe even the LED color).

So this is how the new device looks:


Congratulations! That looks like a professionally designed and constructed commercial device. Really well done! :+1:

Thank you very much! Exactly this was my goal, should look professional and clean. Still have to make some tests with RF (not too much experience with that, because I mostly use zigbee). And also stability of the Firmware has to be testet (but the NodeMCU is on master, so should be fine).

BTW: If someone wonders how I do the color change in the top case. I use a (genuine) Diamond Hotend for that (multicolor mixing nozzle).

just received my usb stick from Hans. (posted 4 days ago from Austria to UK, incl weekend).
Well packed and secure.
Very good build quality, case looks very nice and professional and I like the attention to details / additional antenna to improve range.
I started zigbee2mqtt with the docker image and it connected straight away without trouble.
I just need to start pairing devices now and figure out if my power zigbee devices also act as routers
Thanks @h4nc

I received my zigbee2mqtt stick this weekend and I am really happy with it.
Works perfectly and looks really professional.

Really happy now so I can get rid of those (now redundant) gateways. :grinning:

Thank you guys! Really appreciate your feedback.

But please keep in mind that the real credit goes to @Koenkk and other involved devs.
He is the genius behind this project. I’m just a tinkerer, soldering and 3D printing guy :wink:


Got mine stick today!

Took 2 weeks for arriving to the Netherlands. Packaging was well done!
Directly started off installing it to HASS. Little bit of problems how to get it working with Mosquitto but i figured it out!

Building quality is great! You can create your own stick with many tutorials on the web, but the extra costs for not having to solder and a nicely fitting case is worth it!

Communicating with h4nc goes very wel! he response almost immediately, at least within a day.

Received my CC2531 stick today.

Package looks i got an amazon delivery :smile: but it was @h4nc ! The usb stick doesn’t look a thinkerer thing but a comercial one almost ! Very nice.

Plugged and detected (even with use of a small USB extender of 20cm)

I have to wait my zigbee devices from China now !

Thx again to @h4nc who did good job, sent it very fast and communication with him was a pleasure !

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Hi @h4nc,

Please, can you send me a private message with the price and shipping cost to Spain?. Which are the antenna specs?. What gain (dBi)?.

Thanks a lot.

Registered just to say that the whole process was smooth. Every question I had was quickly solved by @h4nc ,it only took 4 days to arrive to Spain (with a weekend in the middle) and the quality was much better than expected.

Now if the zigbee sensors I bought from China would arrive so fast…

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Received and ready to use :+1: have no devices to pair it to yet so I’ll get around to that when some more bitts arrived.

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Just received a package. Stick looks really cool. Sexy as Apple. :sweat_smile: Delivery takes only 10 days to Moscow, Russia. Thanks a lot!

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Unibody design :joy::wink:

Just to share that I received today my 1st devices (door/window sensors Mijia) and this is very nice. Status changes fast as hell, easy to include devices.
@Koenkk, @danielwelch and @h4nc combined gives a really big boost to my HA setup ! Really appreciated ! :+1:


The stick I ordered arrived in my mailbox just before this weekend.
Now my old, naked stick is retired and replaced by this new one.
It looks really good and works excellent.

Thanks a lot @h4nc :+1: