Bwalarm (akasma74 edition)

Any idea how bwalarm is displayed on tablet ? i wasnt able to load the alarm page the way I want either in lovelace or appdeamon dashboard. If any one is using the alarm page, please share your code.

Sorry, what code are you talking about?
Could you elaborate this

I personally use this component on a 7" tablet that runs WallPanel for Android and opens directly http://hassio.local:8123/alarm
When I work on it, I open the same page on my computer and it looks more or less the same.
No special code or anything.

I checked wallpanel. It basically loads the entire tablet screen with the alarm page. I am looking for adding additional items to the screen.
First i tried with Appdaemon dashboard …couldnot load the properly in iframe component…
didnt like the lovelace as well.
Looking for some examples where alarm page co exists with orher cards

My display on a FireHD8 using Lovelace

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Thanks Michael. That is exactly what i want to do .but couldn’t do without a scroll bar and larger alarm panel buttons. I recently bought a firehd8 and will try the same. Do you mind sharing the lovelace code?


title: Home Control
    # View tab title.
  - title: Base
    icon: mdi:home-outline
      - type: iframe
        url: http://x.x.x.x:8123/alarm
        aspect_ratio: 100%
      - type: glance
          - binary_sensor.front_door
          - binary_sensor.garage_door
          - binary_sensor.kitchen_door
          - binary_sensor.basement_door_and_glass
          - binary_sensor.basement_bathroom
          - binary_sensor.hall_motion
        title: Alarm Sensors
        columns: 3
      - type: weather-forecast
        entity: weather.dark_sky
        name: Weather Summary
      - type: iframe
        aspect_ratio: 75%
      - type: iframe
        apect_ratio: 20%
      - type: shopping-list
        title: To Do
      - camera_image: camera.Camera1
        camera_view: live
        entities: []
        title: Camera1
        type: picture-glance

As I can see, you’re still using the version with that huge toolbar at the bottom.
Don’t you want to give a new version a go? :wink:

When will the new version be available in hacs?

Well, it depends on what you call ‘new version’ :wink:
The one I’m suggesting to try is the latest on Github - it’s marked as pre-release because there are many changes and I wanted people to try it and give me their feedback so I could adjust it before creating a release.
I assume you need to enable something like “show beta” in HACS settings to be able to install it.

You can even try the version from dev branch (in a way more advanced), but it’s in the middle of something as I can’t do a lot at the moment. And you need to install it manually, no HACS here :wink:

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I see this error quite often in logs @AhmadK do you know what it means?

Mon Jan 20 2020 14:25:31 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)
Unhandled exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 461, in start
    await prepare_meth(request)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 340, in prepare
    fobj = await loop.run_in_executor(None,, 'rb')
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/", line 1203, in open
IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/config/resources/bwalarm/images'

I don’t. Could you open an issue on Github and provide as much information about this error as possible (your OS/enironment/browser, consequences) to invstigate it further?

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Isn’t this a misunderstanding of what the buttons do? Doesn’t ‘away’ set the alarm to ‘armed away’ and ‘home’ set the alarm to ‘armed - home’ ?

that’s correct

A question to the users of this alarm panel: do you use it (or have use cases for) with only users’ passwords set (i.e without code)?

I’m asking to get an idea if it is acceptable to have users configured but no master code set?
If it is, maybe there is no point to have that master one separately and it’s better to have everything in users?

I have set a master code as that is what the docs stated to do, but it never gets used, every one uses the own user code so we can track who is arming and disarming.

We Just use the Master code, but could change to user codes

I just have users set. If the master is removed, I guess I could create a new user called “master” or “admin” for a “just in case” time. But my master is currently not set.

Thanks for your answers guys.
I presume that historically there was only one code and then users were added but the master code is still there.
Perhaps there is no point to have it separately as it gives no additional rights etc and just makes the whole thing a little bit more difficult to understand/maintain.

So basically it should be ok to migrate to a setup with no master code and at least one user registered.
If the master code defined but there are no users registered, it will create one called ‘master’ and transfer master code to it. Otherwise it the master code will be removed. (That’s the idea so far, feel free to post any thoughts/corrections/objections to it)
I’ll play with it and include in the next release if it works well.


I updated HA to v0.104.3 and the alarm stopped working. I applied the manifest change that is mentioned here, but it didn’t help. The error that I got was that it couldn’t load mqtt. I don’t use mqtt and don’t need it.
Then I decided to completely update my alarm component from the master branch.
Now I get this error:
2020-01-31 20:25:57 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] Platform error alarm_control_panel.bwalarm - Integration ' ' not found.
Any help is much appreciated.


Sorry, I don’t quite understand why you’re answering to tom whose HA version is different to yours.
Anyway, could I remind you (and anyone else posting here) that this topic is not the right place for reporting issues.
Could you please do it here so we can look into the matter?