Bwalarm (akasma74 edition)

I have set a master code as that is what the docs stated to do, but it never gets used, every one uses the own user code so we can track who is arming and disarming.

We Just use the Master code, but could change to user codes

I just have users set. If the master is removed, I guess I could create a new user called ā€œmasterā€ or ā€œadminā€ for a ā€œjust in caseā€ time. But my master is currently not set.

Thanks for your answers guys.
I presume that historically there was only one code and then users were added but the master code is still there.
Perhaps there is no point to have it separately as it gives no additional rights etc and just makes the whole thing a little bit more difficult to understand/maintain.

So basically it should be ok to migrate to a setup with no master code and at least one user registered.
If the master code defined but there are no users registered, it will create one called ā€˜masterā€™ and transfer master code to it. Otherwise it the master code will be removed. (Thatā€™s the idea so far, feel free to post any thoughts/corrections/objections to it)
Iā€™ll play with it and include in the next release if it works well.


I updated HA to v0.104.3 and the alarm stopped working. I applied the manifest change that is mentioned here, but it didnā€™t help. The error that I got was that it couldnā€™t load mqtt. I donā€™t use mqtt and donā€™t need it.
Then I decided to completely update my alarm component from the master branch.
Now I get this error:
2020-01-31 20:25:57 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] Platform error alarm_control_panel.bwalarm - Integration ' ' not found.
Any help is much appreciated.


Sorry, I donā€™t quite understand why youā€™re answering to tom whose HA version is different to yours.
Anyway, could I remind you (and anyone else posting here) that this topic is not the right place for reporting issues.
Could you please do it here so we can look into the matter?

Not sure what I am doing wrong, cant seem to get a proper keypad? here is a screenshot of what I have

Home Assistant 0.104.3

Installed: v1.11.1

My config YAML

alarm_control_panel: !include resources/bwalarm/bwalarm.yaml



And my lovelace card


also is it possible to display the bwalarm sensor

as shown in the states UI on lovelace?

it looks like an issue, isnā€™t it?
please use Github for reporting issues with this component or asking for new features.
please use this topic to ask question, share your cool panels etc but keep issues to Github.

do you have one? can we see its configuration?

I donā€™t quite understand that ā€œstates UI on lovelaceā€, could you elaborate? Btw, it sounds like a feature requestā€¦ :wink:

H all,
To avoid doing things that are not desirable/unnecessary for the users of this component, Iā€™d like to gather some information before moving forward.
Namely, Iā€™d like to know if:

  • youā€™re using only the alarm part of this component and rarely/never use its web panel
  • youā€™re using the alarmā€™s MQTT functionality (if yes, how?)

The reason for the question 1 is I more and more feel like there should be 2 components: the alarm itself and its web panel. (Unfortunately, the common platform is named alarm_control_panel, very confusing to me).
The main issue here is that the panel is an extension to the alarm and provides a convenient way to control it and/or change settings via UI. On the other hand, it adds some complexity and we need to keep in mind that sooner or later the panel should be converted into a Lovelace card anyway as itā€™s now the only supported interface.

However, having 2 components might make usersā€™ life more difficult in terms of installing/keeping them in sync etc.

What do you think?

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  • I am using the alarm in lovelace using the alarm panel card. I never use the web panel on the left.
  • I am not using MQTT

Thank you so much for maintaing this!
Note: I am using the web panel only for the initial setup or for small changes as it is very usefull and easy, but I dont mind having only yaml to set it up.

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HI I use the Web panel
I donā€™t use MQTT

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I use the web panel and I do not use mqtt for my alarm

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  • using the alarm in lovelace using the alarm panel card. I rarely use the web panel on the left.
  • I am not using MQTT

Ditto from argukaraz: Thank you so much for maintaing this!

Note: I am using the web panel only for the initial setup or for small changes as it is very usefull and easy, but I dont mind having only yaml to set it up.

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  • i am using the web panel and find it great! because i have numerous ipads in the house. When house is armed they all switch to web panel view. That way the only thing people see is the disarm keys. As soon as alarm is disarmed they all switch back to lovelace view.
  • i am not using MQTT
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Anybody got any novel/creative ways to disarm? Arming and disarming at my house is done totally automatically, no codes to enter.

I was thinking it would be cool to have on my wall tablet a way to disarm that didnā€™t involve a code. Like a puzzle. Or a series of questions to prove you have a right to be there. Anyone do this?

I use code panel and might go for an RFID arming/disarming. No funny business here :wink:
Actually, I as consider this component as a security measure, I wouldnā€™t go for anything too ā€˜coolā€™ here as there is plenty of other things to show off. Thatā€™s me.

Iā€™m using just the web panel and no MQTT.

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I never use the web panel.
I am using MQTT.
My interface is this:

This is done with nodered.

All my alarm related automations are in nodered.

I also have a backup rfid method to arm/disarm the alarm. In case something goes wrong with the UI.

@AhmadK Thanks for maintaining the code :slight_smile:


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Iā€™m using MQTT for a remote keypad at the front door (android app ā€˜MQTT Alarm Control Panelā€™)

I only use the built in panel UI for initial setup of sensors and config options, and rarely after that. My alarm is armed and disarmed primarily with MQTT and automation based on presence, motion, etc. I disarm the alarm most often using telegram commands when a window or door is opened in the morning.

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Never use the web panel for arming or disarming. Only settings.

Not using mqtt.