Bwalarm (akasma74 edition)

I did. I can see that BWAlarm is capable of arming/disarming without a code, but I want to require a code and am finding a very difficult time finding something that will actually pass a code using MQTT.

EDIT: I’m dumb. I didn’t realize that the override code would allow me to still require a PIN, but MQTT would not require the PIN in the payload.

It works now.

That sounds pretty logic.
As nobody seems to be objecting, go ahead with your plan. I would love to help, but I have no programing skills.
Good luck and thanks a lot for your efforts.

A small follow-up on my announcement a while ago:

Got something started in the meantime.
I opened a new thread for it.

Would appreciate your input to expand it more.


Is there a way to notify the user why the alarm will not arm? I have a device somewhere which is in an ‘invalid’ state preventing the alarm for arming. Would be nice to either receive a notification or have a prompt and perhaps allow to override.

I had to look into the logs to find out why it was not arming properly.

well, if you’re arming your alarm using its panel, it shows you a dialog with sensor’s name and option to arm or cancel.

[quote=“John_Gratis, post:931, topic:113666”]
I have a device somewhere which is in an ‘invalid’ state

I’d say that’s not right and should be fixed.

Sorry for the confusion. When I mentioned invalid state, I meant that a sensor was in a state where the alarm would not arm.

I am using the Alarm Panel card and added the entity. It works when all devices are in the correct state, and it also works to disarm; however, if an device is open it simply will not arm nor does it raise a notification. It simply does not react.

That’s because this component was born before Lovelace interface and is not 100% compatible with Alarm Panel card (in fact, from HA 0.115 it doesn’t have a panel, it’s work in progress to fix it).


Hi buddy, how are you progressing on the fix? can’t wait!

@AhmadK Just thought I’d let you know that I’m back to using this component (from trying out my own manual alarm) as this provides better notification ability as to which sensor triggered the alarm. Not having the side panel is of no concern to me as I use wireless remotes to Arm/Disarm anyway and once the config code is set in YAML, its not needed again.

Your work on this component is much appreciated.



To be honest, I’m still at the state of gathering information, mainly because of my everyday offline commitments (yes, I know it’s been a long time ago - still tidying up things).
Christmas is looming with its duties but I hope to dedicate more time and start doing soon.

Thank you and everyone who is still waiting patiently.


Obviously, real life first! No doubt! Thank you for the update!

I’ve just released a new vereion for those using panel view and HA < 0.115
It isn’t a long waited fix (yet!) but a security improvement.

Thanks for your waiting.

p.s it is recommended to install the latest version if you run v1.12.8

Hi All,

I hope you can help me with getting this alarm panel to work as I love the look of it.
I have installed it manually and via HACS with the same outcome.
I have double and triple checked the installation documentation but I cant get it to work.
So what I have done:
alarm_control_panel: !include resources/bwalarm/bwalarm.yaml in configuration.yaml
platform: bwalarm
name: house in bwalarm.yaml
Coppy all the files and folders to:
click add card on the dashboard and then alarm card.
The alarm card shows but when I click arm/disarm I see the following error.
Failed to call service alarm_control_panel/alarm_arm_home. ‘states’

Have you tried to control your alarm from its own panel (on the left in HA) (as soon as you are using HA older than 0.105)?
The thing is this custom component is not 100% compatible with the standard alarm card and therefore nothing can be guaranteed.

The control panel is not working and if i open myhaurl/alarm i get 404 unavailable :frowning:

Well, it’s expectable if your HA is newer than 0.105.
Feel free to open a new issue here.

Hi Im setting up from scratch a new HA, hacs HA Switchplate and BwAlarm.

I have most things working except I cannot arm or disarm from my HA switch plate.

Below is my bwalarm.yaml file. Not sure if mqtt commands are correct. When using the lovelace control it updates the HA Switchplate display.

platform: bwalarm
  cameras: []
  panel_title: Alarm
  enable_sensors_panel: 'True'
  hide_sidebar: 'false'
  camera_update_interval: ''
  enable_custom_panel: false
  hide_passcode: 'True'
  round_buttons: false
  shadow_effect: false
  enable_serif_font: false
enable_night_mode: false
    - binary_sensor.spare_office
    - binary_sensor.entry
    override: []
    pending_time: '5'
    warning_time: 30
    trigger_time: 180
    - binary_sensor.spare_office
    - binary_sensor.entry
    override: []
    pending_time: 60
    warning_time: 25
    trigger_time: 180
- id: 39642758223b4835abc3063cb47877b1
  name: Test
  enabled: true
  code: '1111'
  picture: ha.png

admin_password: a
  enable_mqtt: true
  command_topic: home/alarm/set
  payload_arm_night: ARM_NIGHT
  qos: '0'
  payload_arm_home: ARM_HOME
  override_code: false
  payload_disarm: DISARM
  state_topic: home/alarm
  payload_arm_away: ARM_AWAY
  pending_on_warning: false
passcode_attempts: '20'
passcode_attempts_timeout: '60'
enable_persistence: true
code: '1234'
ignore_open_sensors: true
- name: Theme
  warning_color: '#FFFFFF'
  pending_color: '#FFFFFF'
  active: true
code_to_arm: true
log_size: '30'


Can your alarm panel be used with BWAlarm? I don’t want to rewrite all automations etc. I am looking for alternative while awaiting update to BWAlarm.

I installed your js file, but when I add "entity: ", it tells me “Cannot add property states, object is not extensible”.

BWAlarm does work with the Lovelace alarm card, but I liked what you did here, especially in terms of visibility.


Sorry, I haven’t tried with bwalarm since switching over to manual.
Does bwalarm work on latest HA? (I’m running HA 2021.4.x).

I just updated to latest everything. 2021.3.4 is what loaded. BWAlarm is working with Lovelace panel (BW panel still not working since 115). But I have issues with the text and button visibility on stock Lovelace panel, so I tried yours, got the error. error