Bwalarm (akasma74 edition)


Can you run multiple alarms? i.e. 1 for the house and 1 for the garage please? i.e. having different panels


Currently you cannot. Just a few posts above.

Ahh thanksā€¦ Can you run this along side the default alarm then?

I donā€™t know whatā€™s the default alarm, but why not?
The only issue with this integration that currently to have 2 entities (separate alarms) you need to change its code (how custom view created) otherwise you wonā€™t get 2 alarm views. And also currently ANY entity of this integration reacts to a service call/mqtt message, something that will be addressed in the future.
But as I mentioned earlier, you can try a pre-HACS version of this integration to see if it works (as it was possible then).

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What i did was add an input_boolean to my configuration.yaml and then create an automation to flip that boolean. for example:

    name: Living Room Motion
    initial: off
    icon: mdi:motion-sensor

Then I set my camera event to trigger an automation that flipped that boolean to on, and i created another automation to flip it off 30 seconds later. Then set bwalarm to monitor that input_boolean as a trigger.

I had to do it that way due to the way zoneminder integration works and events counting up continually. So just throwing that out as another option as well, you could easily set a condition to account for other triggers as well in order to get the 2 alerts before an alarm scenario.

Just throwing that out for others as extra ideas.

sorry I meant the

  - platform: manual_mqtt

I can get bwalarm working and manual_mqtt working but not togetherā€¦ I need a basic separate alarm for an outhouse and want to use bwalarm for the house. I just need to get them both loaded then I can worry about views etcā€¦ Iā€™ll be using different mqtt topics for each as wellā€¦

I did take the bwalarm config and put it into the main config file, which ā€œworkedā€ but any settings were updated in the resources folderā€¦

and I tried putting 2 files into but they both donā€™t load - 1 for bwalarm and 1 for mqtt.
alarm_control_panel: !include_dir_merge_named resources/bwalarm/

Any ideas at all please?

For now can you try the following:

  1. create a separate file for your mqtt alarm similar to the this (attention - NO dash before platform as in bwalarm.yaml):
platform: manual
name: Home Alarm
code: 1234
  1. Save it as mqtt.yaml in resources/bwalarm folder
  2. Make sure there is only 2 .yaml files in that folder - bwalarm.yaml and mqtt.yaml
  3. Amend the following line in your configuration.yalm:
    alarm_control_panel: !include resources/bwalarm/bwalarm.yaml
    should become
    alarm_control_panel: !include_dir_list resources/bwalarm/

It worked in my setup and I could see a second entity (manual alarm control panel in my case).

That was my problemā€¦ thank you so much. It wasnā€™t saving settings but I did a full uninstall/reboot/install etc and they work perfectly. Thanks for taking time to point me in the right direction. Cheers

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Does anyone have their alarm arming and disarming automatically based on presence detection?

I used to have this working but I guess things have changed with updatesā€¦

- id: automatic_alarm_arm
  alias: 'Automatic Alarm Arm'
    entity_id: group.mobile_phones
    platform: state
    to: 'not_home'
      minutes: 2
    condition: template
    value_template: "{{ is_state('', 'disarmed') }}"
    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away

- id: automatic_alarm_disarm
  alias: Automatic Alarm Disarm
    - entity_id: group.mobile_phones
      platform: state
      to: 'home'
    condition: template
    value_template: "{{ not is_state('', 'disarmed') }}"
    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
      code: 0000

Wellā€¦ what exactly is not working with updates?
I can see at least one issue - you should use admin/user code to disarm, not 0000.

Also you can skip the arming delay if you want. See my ā€œalarm_arm_intstantā€ script below:

    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away

    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
      code: 'override'

    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
      code: !secret alarm_code

This was working maybe 6 months ago, the updates from HA and this project obviously progressed so I need to fix it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the instant script. I think my condition maybe broken thatā€™s another reason perhaps why its not working.

I changed to code to 0000 before posting in here. I will add to the secrets file when I have solved the problem.

you can test it in Template Editor.

Well, I think 0000 used to be a special code (like ā€˜overrideā€™ now). Anyway, it is worth to double check.

I just updated HA to the 1.100-branch and now thereā€™s a small problem with the configuration menu of version 1.10.2. The on/off or enabled/disabled sliders are all missing. Other values that require text input are there and the alarm works fine if I include the sliders value in the config files myself. However sliders are simply not there (blank space, nothing to see) to make the change from the UI. Any idea what is wrong here?

Iā€™ve no idea as havenā€™t updated HA to 0.100 yet.
If you know how to reproduce the issue, could you open a new one here?

I think I see the same here on 0.100.2, so I will see if I can fill in additional information.

Hi, Have same problem here. Looks like something along the paper-toggle-button in polymer ā€¦ This Bwalarm : v1.10.2 and Home Assistant: v0.100.1.

Submitted a pull request ā€¦ with the changes working fine on 0.101 but would need to be teste pre-0.100

it doesnā€™t work on 0.99 :\