Bwalarm (akasma74 edition)

Have anyone fund a video tutorial on how to setup this after installation? Would help a lot, a bit lost here.

well, I don’t know as I don’t quite get the goal :wink:

Sorry, there is no such thing yet (should I add it to the todo list? :wink: ).
What help do you need?

I would like to cover (pretty basic):

  • some overal things; set pincode, how arm away/home works, show numpad on “frontend”/lovelace
  • how motion sensors are handled (delay, trigger etc)
  • how the motion sensors trigger a siren (when armed)
  • how the motion sensors trigger a email or/and a notification when triggered)
    -reset alarm after it has been triggered

Im willing to donate eur 50 for this

Well, it’s doable, more likely in September when I’m back from hols.
In the meantime, you can ask here/pm me if you have any specific questions.

Would be really great, appreciate your effort in the project!

It’s possible to have 2 separate alarm with this component? I use 2 alarm, one for my house, one for my Garage. Thanks

I haven’t tried that yet and suspect that in the current version it won’t work for technical reasons (custom view creation), but in the (near) future it should be possible.
You can test it for yourself with the release prior to HACS.

A new release is available to try.
It contains mainly 3 bug fixes.

I’m a little confused about this statement in your repostiory instructions on updating through HACs:

Bear in mind that if you use this method, it only updates custom_components/bwalarm/ folder and ALL user data inside that folder will be lost upon every update!

I thought all user data for this component are stored in the /resources folder, as per the note in updating manually?

Please note that you DON’T need to overwrite resources folder in Home Assistant structure as it contains your integration’s configuration file (and possibly some additional resources).

Basically, can I add bwalarm in HACS (to get this latest update) over the top of my manual installation without losing my settings?

that’s correct. the note you’re referring to is for any HACS user that would try to use the HACS folder for any user data. I thought it’s good to mention as not anyone is aware of that.

I’d say yes. If you try and it works, you could even update the :wink:

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I added bwalarm to HACS upgraded, restarted and cleared my browser cache. All appears to be well. None of my manual install settings were over written.

PR created for a short note about this in the readme.

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Thanks for the update!
The keypad on my Lovelace view is now back :smile:

Is it possible to run 2 types of alarm in 1 home assistant configuration?
I now have this in the bwalarm.yaml:

- platform: bwalarm
  name: Alt Thuis Alarm
  code: '1245'
  panic_code: '0000'
  alarm: automation.alarm_triggered
  warning: automation.alarm_warning
    pending_time: 30
    trigger_time: 120
    pending_time: 10
    trigger_time: 120
- platform: manual
  name: Thuis Alarm
  code: 4565
  pending_time: 30
  delay_time: 5
  trigger_time: 120
    trigger_time: 0
    pending_time: 0
    delay_time: 0

The manual platform works, but bwalarm not…

This component is not working

Check the Home Assistant log for more details.

This integration: v1.10.2

Home Assistant: v0.97.2

However, no info related to bwalarm can be found in the log

Ok, after scanning the existing issues it seems to be related to the “-” before platform. No time to look into this but might try once to remove 1 platform to see if this solves my issue. However, it would be nice to have the possibility to use 2 platforms, at least for testing purposes.

Well, I can accept the it’s nice to have some extra features, but at the moment I have no justification to change behaviour of this integration just because of other integrations mentioned it this integration’s config file - I personally would store them separately as they have no relation to this integration at all. Or am I missing something?

It might be resolved somehow in the future, but again, no promises atm…

I have had the same issue using the old version of this integration using the arlo platform as an alarm entity.
Same issues and as far as I know - it haven’t been solved.

If I get it right, it’s down to YAML syntax, not this integration.
When I say “it might be resolved”, I mean that this integration might have a separate config file, that’s the only way to resolve it properly afaik.


Can you run multiple alarms? i.e. 1 for the house and 1 for the garage please? i.e. having different panels


Currently you cannot. Just a few posts above.

Ahh thanks… Can you run this along side the default alarm then?