Calculate estimated monthly kWh value

I just figure out the formula for calculate the estimated monthly kWh as below

(estimated monthly kWh) = [ (last period of kWh/day) x (remaining day) ] + (accumulated kWh/month)

But to run it on HA, I encounter some problem on calculating/extract some value on the formula.

Detail of the formula description:

  • “estimated monthly kWh” is for calculate the estimated month end kWh value even before reach the billing cycle

  • last period = yesterday kWh/day value (I have this value in helper sensor but not sure how to extract it)

  • remaining day = as my electric billing cycle is falling on 20th every month, which HA helper or similar sensor can calculate this.(for example, current date is 5th, I need something that can detect current date & 20-5=15 days. But if current date is 26th, 30-6=24 days. Another problem is some month have 30, while other have 31, how to compensate this?

  • accumulated kWh/month = I have this value in helper which I can extract out

Is that any other method to calculate the estimated monthly kWh? your help is appreciated.

Don’t know if this helps, but I calculate the amount of gas used so far in the month with:

  - sensor:
      - name: "gas used this month"
        state: '{{ (states("input_number.gas_daily") | float(0)) * (now().day) }}'  
        unit_of_measurement: "m³"
        device_class: gas 
        state_class: total_increasing

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I just calculate an average for the current month, forecasted, like this:

      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      value_template: >
        {% set now = now() %}
        {% set month = now.month %}
        {% set year = now.year %}
        {% set days = None %}
        {# feb: leap years #}
        {% if month == 2 and year is divisibleby 4 and not year is divisibleby 400 %}
          {% set days = 29 %}
        {# jan, mar, may, jul, aug, oct, dec #}
        {% elif month in [1,3,5,7,8,10,12] %}
          {% set days = 31 %}
        {# apr, jun, sep, nov #}
        {% elif month in [4,6,9,11] %}
          {% set days = 30 %}
        {# feb #}
        {% else %}
          {% set days = 28 %}
        {% endif %}
        {{ ((states('sensor.monthly_energy_consumption') | int) / * days) | round(3) }}

The sensor sensor.monthly_energy_consumption is a utility meter, which is based on a power meter I have.

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couldnt resist to share an alternative template to calculate days of the current month, which would make this a bit shorter:

      - unique_id: days_current_month
        name: Days current month
        state: >
          {{ ((now().replace(day=1) +
               timedelta(days=31)).replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)).day }}

had the day counter like you have before, but then Petro jumped in :wink:


Ooh, excellent, thanks Marius. I was thinking of using Petro’s new template macro package, but saw he doesn’t have that macro in there. I’ve asked for it now.

1st of all, thanks @Stiltjack @parautenbach @Mariusthvdb for suggestion. I really appreciated.


  - unique_id: days_current_month
    name: Days current month
    state: >
       {{ ((now().replace(day=1) +
               timedelta(days=31)).replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)).day }}

may I know what platform should I declare for the above command? if 20th is day of the billing cycle start, should I replace the “day=1 to day=20” ? another thing is, does timedelta command including the leap year ?

I just notice your code is to calculate the total days of current months.

btw, I able to retrieve the last period value using value template

# last period value of overall kWh/day
  - platform: template
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        unique_id: 4e18e33d-09f1-4273-918f-c6bd2567810b
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.overall_kwh_day', 'last_period') }}"
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yes this is a template: sensor, and as such, could replace the section in Pieters template for monthly_energy_consumption_forecast that calculates the amount of days in the month. The days variable

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problem solved, I have the code for calculate the remaining days as below

{% set x = 1 if now().day >= 20 else 0 %}
{{ (today_at().replace(month= now().month + x,
day = 20) - today_at()).days }}

@Didgeridrew thanks again.

the final result as below


correction, I change description from overall kWh/month to current kWh/month as it is more appropriate.