Calendar other than Google

Now that Google is going to start charging for their Google Workspace accounts, I’m taking a closer look at where my email is hosted. One of my requirements is for hosting service that is secure (privacy-focused) and has a calendar component. As of now, I have narrowed this down to Protonmail and Fastmail.

Looking through the integrations, the only calendar integration is for Google. Has anyone had any success integrating either Protonmail or Fastmail’s calendars? My use-case is on a table-based dashboard to display multiple calendars (one for each family member + shared).

depends on what dashboard u mean …
caldav with thunderbird?
use an iframe?

did a quick test:

Pretty sure their is directly a caldav integration (maybe with hacks but not sure)

I’m doing this with Nextcloud (self-hosted)

I was thinking of using the Lovelace calendar card. I see from the docs that there is actually a CalDAV integration; I foolishly searched for “calendar” so it did not come up.

Thank you everyone!

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