Camera support for HomeKit component

Same issue for me. I’ve been holding out hope since November on this coming together on HA, by now I’m just planing on getting a second Pi to run HomeBridge solely and specifically for ffmpeg, so I can get my cameras to show in HomeKit. Speaking of which, do you guys think a Pi Zero would be too weak as a machine running HomeBridge solely for the purpose of using ffmpeg to get my cams into HomeKit?

pyhap now has Camera support! I’m excited for this feature to be in HA as well :smiley:


:clap::clap::clap::clap: Looking forward to :+1:

I’m excited to see this functionality added also! I’m currently running a standalone homebridge instance just for cameras.

Was also looking forward to this - have added one of my camera feeds that exists within my HA installation to the HK exported devices, but it doesn’t appear in HK. Is there anything else I need to do?? - I’m using v0.92.2

HA cameras cannot been seen in Homekit yet. You can use Homebridge for this instead.

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Any updates? :slight_smile:

I setup homebridge camera ffmpeg yesterday after watching apple’s keynote and I was so impressed compared to the stream component. (To be honest, I think I will move my ios front end from the ios beta app to homekit. My wife already uses homekit exclusively and the ios app is only for location services. It is so much faster and only two buttons / 2 sec to control HA compared to 30 secs for the ios app. )

Apple keynote said that homekit camera will all have 10 days free storage in icloud and the hubs will process all motion detection services to come in the fall.

I put essentially HA ffmpeg camera setups for my dahua nvr into homebridge and change the nvr stream to D1 as I found it better speed than 720p with no quality difference on my iphone. I also setup a crons job to take a snapshot (ffmpeg command) every minute and put it my HA www directory so homebridge can use that as the homekit camera stills. This way the stills on the iphone are to date every minute. I might change it to every 10 sec as it appears the iphone updates that request that often. The still image is only 35k and appears to only update while I’m looking at it.

crons job still command

*/1 * * * * /opt/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i “rtsp://xxx:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0” -y -vframes 1 -vf scale=420:270

homebridge setup

        "bridge": {
                "name": "Homebridge",
                "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30",
                "port": 51826,
                "pin": "111-22-333"

        "description": "descrip",

        "accessories": [],
        "platforms": [{
                "platform": "Camera-ffmpeg",
                "cameras": [{
                        "name": "Pool",
                        "videoConfig": {
                                "source": "-re -i rtsp://xxx:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1",
                                "stillImageSource": "-i"

                        "name": "Backdoor",
                        "videoConfig": {
                                "source": "-re -i rtsp://xxx:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=4&subtype=1",
                                "stillImageSource": "-i"
                        "name": "Front",
                        "videoConfig": {
                                "source": "-re -i rtsp://xxx:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=3&subtype=1",
                                "stillImageSource": "-i"     

                        "name": "Driveway",
                        "videoConfig": {
                                "source": "-re -i rtsp://xxx:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=2&subtype=1",
                                "stillImageSource": "-i"     

As HA doesn’t stream cameras to HK, I also implemented my cameras via the Homebridge ffmpeg component. Works well.
I use HK as my internet connection into to HA components I wish to see outside the home. This inherently uses the Apple security. HA is not enabled for internet access.

Do you mean you can’t see your cameras outside your home wifi? I use my Apple TV 4 as a homekit hub and I can see the camera’s created above outside my home wifi using only my lan ip address.

Likewise, I can see the cameras outside my home now using HK and my Apple TV as a hub.

Still hoping for HA HomeKit camera support (ideally with the new HomeKit Secure Video support)



would be really great if the camera works with the homekit integratione of HA directly :slight_smile:

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+1 HA cameras in HK, pleaseee.

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what work is pending for this? maybe someone can help myself included?

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The cameras integrated with HA are not visible in Homekit. Other entities yes, but no cameras. With HomeBridge it works, you can see you camera in your apple watch if you want. But no with HA.

yes aware, what i meant with my question is, what development work is missing in the homekit component within HA to add the cameras?

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Would it be possible to show the Ring component camera in the Homekit app? I managed to get the doorbell and motion sensor working, but the camera is only visible on the Home Assistant Overview, not in the HomeKit app.

Any chance to get HomeKit cameras discovered and working in HA?
My camera ( D-LINK OMNA CAMERA 180) has also motion sensor and this does not appear in HA.
I do not like to use Home or other 3’rd party app on my phone to see/control my camera when I can have everything in HA app.
What needs to be done? can I help?

Hi everyone. During the last moths my personal life has gotten a lot more demanding to the point that I haven’t been able to contribute anything to Home Assistant lately. Unfortunately this won’t change much in the future. Because of that, I have decided that it’s best for us as a community to hand over code ownership for the HomeKit integration. I really hope someone else picks that up soon and continues the work many other and I have started.

To everyone waiting for the camera support: I’m really sorry I couldn’t manage to implement this in time. I know how much you all wanted this feature.

And to everyone who contributed code, helped during development, did code reviews and opened bug reports: Thanks for all your support along the way! Without you the integration would never have gotten to the point it is today.

Lastly a huge thanks to @ikalchev who created the library necessary for it to work in the first place and @balloob for your continued support especially during the early days.