Camera troubles

Hey Guys,

So heres the thing, I have a very simple camera that live streams my hallway. I’m not sure what model it is but here is what I am sure of.

The camera live streams on this IP - rtsp://10.8.X.X:XXXX/test
All I do is connect to a VLC using this link and volia! I’m watching the stream. (Local Network is a must)

I tried many configurations to connect my camera to HA. The only one that looks is…

- platform: ffmpeg
  name: hallway
  input: rtsp://10.8.X.X:XXXX/test

The stream is showing on my HA but the quality is absolutely horrible, the resolution is frightening to look at.

Any idea of how I can improve it? I thought its probably from the platform I choose but generic doesn’t work for me.

Here is what I found in my logs as well

Logger: haffmpeg.core
Source: /srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/haffmpeg/
First occurred: 4:06:38 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:07:03 PM

Timeout while waiting of FFmpeg

have you looked at the addon Home Assistant Community Add-on: motionEye - Home Assistant OS - Home Assistant Community (

That would allow you to integrate it and even have more functions

Hey Piggyback,

Thank you for the recommendation, I wasn’t successful in installing the integration. MotionEye asked for URL, Admin Username, Admin Password, and Surveillance pass/user. Which I don’t have.

I also tried using WebRTC from HACS but the installation was bugged or something

not sure these are mandatoy fields, but I usualy find a lot of information in this page Connecting to IP Cameras ( If you can find the brand, you´re halfway there!

You would really need to figure out what model it is and maybe there is another URL for a higher quality stream. If you can’t find any brand or model number you could try this app, there is also same app available in Google Play if you have android:

But I have a feeling there is a URL other than test available. Is there a web interface for the camera or an app that does work with it? That would also point to the make of the camera.