Can anyone explain the visualisation?

Using ZHA can anyone explain or point me in the direction of what the number, colours and different types of numbers mean?

I have red, grey single digit numbers from 0 to 107 I have one line that say 1/1 another with 87/156.
One device that has no line to anything but seems to work just fine.


Some info about that available here.

Your end devices ( like temp sensor ) will only have 1 value because they only send data. Your router devices will show 2 because they can send and receive data.

Basically, the higher the number the better. Green lines=strong signal. With the Grey lines, not sure, might be worse than Red.


Thanks, I came across that trying to find some info and wasn’t sure if that code just got absorbed into HA.
Either way there doesn’t seem to be any official HA documentation for it.

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That’s exactly what I’m interested in, too. The official documentation on GitHub only explains the colours (green, yellow and red). Why sometimes two numbers are displayed, why some lines are grey and much more is not even mentioned there. I’m surprised that you can’t find any information about this at all. Does everyone understand this immediately, or does no one really care?

A quick look at the code confirms the following:
The numbers represent signal quality (LQI). When there are two numbers it’s simply because it’s a two-way connection, and each number represents how the signal as perceived by the device on each side of the connection.
Higher numbers are better. Grey connections indicate is a LQI value <= 80. I.e., any other color is better than grey.

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_getLQI(lqi) {
    if (lqi > 192) {
      return { color: "#17ab00", highlight: "#17ab00" }; <-- green
    } else if (lqi > 128) {
      return { color: "#e6b402", highlight: "#e6b402" }; <-- yellow
    } else if (lqi > 80) {
      return { color: "#fc4c4c", highlight: "#fc4c4c" }; <-- red
    return { color: "#bfbfbf", highlight: "#bfbfbf" }; <-- gray

From the code
Not sure who wrote this, but gray apparently is worse then the red…

There should be a legend in the chart, Thread my ass, we are not ready even for zigbee…


Thanks for the clarification.

I don’t know, but I think the values are unrealistic. Most of the lines in my chart are gray and only a few are red. At first I thought there was something seriously wrong with my network since I basically don’t have any device with a LQI better than 128. To this day, I still can’t figure out why this is the case, even with mains-powered routing devices mounted right next to each other. That’s when I lost interest in network optimization and never looked at the visualization again.

Also, it seems I’m not the only one with a network like this, as you can see in this post:

The screenshot shows a chart where a device with an LQI of 33 is still green and the only yellow device has an LQI of 21, which seems much more reasonable than the ZHA visualization.

Those are my chosen colours.

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I see. Nevertheless, I think the values are plausibly chosen and I wish they were closer to reality in the official version too.

My understanding is that the LQI value is a subjective number that when it is calculated by a devices has no correlation to the LQI number of a device by a different vendor. I say when it is calculated, because from my understanding when you see a 255 or 254 value for a LQI this more often than not means the device is not even calculating a value for LQI. Layer on top of this, to my understanding, there is no definition as to which device is reporting the values for a link. If you think about it, there should be four value for any given link, with each end reporting it’s two numbers. It is pretty amazing that with the length of time zigbee has been around, the tools to view the network are so limited and poorly defined.


I tried recolouring the lines on my screen so that they were all green, but as soon as i scroll they go back to the old colours. Any suggestions welcome.

While I have ready this type of interpretation numerous times, I just migrated from a Sonoff coordinator (D) with a TI chip to a Sonoff coordinator (E) with a SiLabs chip, and the LQI changed dramatically. With the TI based coordinator no LQI was over 200, while I have a lot that are over 200 and even at 255 with the SiLabs coordinator. I don’t interpret this as the SiLabs chip being better, but just that the two coordinators calculate the LQI differently. In other words, I am saying I believe it is the coordinator that calculates the LQI, not the device. On the other hand, the device is most likely the source of it’s own RSSI.

Even with 38 devices (out of 85) at =>192 LQI, I still have a lot of yellow and red because, I believe, it shows alternate routes and not just its preferred route.

I am in the process of eliminating my Jasco zigbee outlets as they all seem to have very poor link/signal performance, and when there are power issues they appear to get stuck in some weird state that causes network issues… if they don’t die due to the well known bad capacitor issue. I had mostly installed them to build out my network given most switches/dimmers were zwave, but now that I am upgrading them all to Inovelli, I have using zwave switches/dimmers, and zigbee exhaust/ceiling fan switches to build out both networks. I will likely use Inovelli’s unreleased outlet to build out Thread, or Zigbee if I convert their fan switches to Thread (they are upgradeable).