Can anyone Help me on integrating Envisalink / DSC to Home Assistant

Thanks in advance for anyone’s help…
Note the link to my 3 included printouts of the configuration files and error message.

Continuing the discussion from Envisalink Zone Status:

Envisalink should be all lower-cased.

OK I went back to the other thread and I think I know what’s up. (Next time carry your config files to the thread too - (AS pasted text - not screenshots please)

Short version you’re almost there but looks like split config is biting you…
This one is correct:

this one is not:

In the first yaml you are instructing HA to take whatever is in the other file !include blah.yaml and drop it in (wherever the anchor is) unedited.

So this:

envisalink: !include alarm_system.yaml

Renders as: when it pulls in the alarm_system.yaml file in its entirety unedited:

  more stuff...
  even more stuff...

So in the alarm system.yaml file you DEFINITELY need Envisalink lowercase and may actually need to eliminate the Envisalink: key at the top of the file in its entirety…

Alternatively if you don’t care about split config just paste the contents of your alarm_system.yaml in the config.yaml in place of the include line. …and edit envisalink: to be lowercase…

You actually posted the fix yesterday, and I totally missed it.
That “IP Address” typo was the fix.
I just created my first Automation with a notification of Alexa saying my front door was opened, and works perfectly.
Next to trigger Living Room lights on if Door is open and it’s after sunset.
So now having some fun… Thanks Again