Can I Get My Energy Consumption from PSEG Into Home Assistant?

Would love to see this happen as well

please vote for the feature here:


No, it seems like the only thing they offer for PSEG is tariffs. Not any actual data from the utility company.

This is actually extremely helpful and promising, the only issue is, it’s not grabbing the API key out of a login, it’s having you go fetch it from a cookie. This would need a lot of work to get going.

Mine is likely the same meter, PSE&G NJ:

Anybody have any ideas?


I called PSEG NJ today (April 5) and they have a smart meter department, which they all call “AMI GATE” (a quick google search shows AMI often stands for “Advanced Metering Infrastructure”). The person in the smart meter department said they have a group called the “measurement department” that does all the techincal nuts and bolts work for making sure the meter readins are corect etc. The lady I spoke with said she would ask about any programming API they may offer or how they read the meter and will get back to me in a day or two. My account on the PSEG NJ website is supposed to evidently show live data under the URL - and the tab on the browser shows “MyMeter - Dashboard” so maybe that is where the above discussion about “MyMeter” came. In any event, that dashboard only shows data up to February and the lady on the line told me since I only have 2 weeks worth of data (new meter) that it would be a little while possibly before that appears on the website. She is getting back to me with details from the “measurement department” on what kind of an API or information is available for PSEG NJ customers…

A whois search for the above URL obviously comes back as owned by PSEG, but a wild guess didn’t work either for “” which is owned by someone however that is an unused web url.

Update #2:

Lady never got back to me. (PSE&G NJ).

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@KruseLuds – Thanks for the info. So far a number of ideas, but not much progress.

Your meter is same GridStream family but slightly different. The part on the lower right might be IR (infrared) LEDs that you can get pulses from to track consumption with an IR detector. I think in Europe that’s called a P1 port. People have built custom pickups for that. However if your meter is outside, you probably don’t want to deal with trying to make something nice and weather proof. My meter unfortunately doesn’t have that.

For PSEG in NJ, can you tell what 3rd party they are using as the portal for your usage data? For PSEG Long Island, they refer to it as “My Smart Energy”. That is actually a SaaS product “MyMeter” from Accelerated Innovations LLC. The footer on the page says “Powered by mymeter”. Would be interesting to know if the other PSEG entities use the same service or different ones.

If MyMeter gets figured out, and we wound up with a similar implementation to Opower that would probably cover a number of utilities that use MyMeter instead of Opower. I don’t know how many there are.

I was able to make a little progress using rtl_433 to read the 900mhz transmissions from my meter and others in the neighborhood. Unfortunately while a number of people have taken a crack at decoding, no one has figured out how to get the usage data. The meter IDs that match the numbers/barcode on the meter face match. There is uptime data, which can tell you how long the meter has been powered up (i.e. how much time has elapsed since the last time the meter lost power). Lots of details in this issue: Add support for Landis+Gyr G5 Integrated FOCUS AXe Power Meter · Issue #2531 · merbanan/rtl_433 · GitHub

It looks like someone was able to get consumption for intervals from UtilityAPI, but no idea whether that is possible with the various PSEG***.

Linking it here: Utility Company API - #10 by TokugawaHeavy

Heads up, If you do want be able to back fill your utility data into Home Assistant make sure to download hourly data every few months.

PSEG Long Island (PSEGLI) now only provides data downloads for intervals smaller than a day for the last 13 months. Daily data is available for a number of years. This changed sometime in the last year or so.

I’m currently experimenting with this integration that makes it easy to upload data. The PSEG (LI) data needs some massaging to get it into an importable form.

That is interesting idea. I ended up buying cheap z-wave meter and hooked to the panel, but it would be nice to also pull from utilities as cross reference.
When I called them about API, I was kindly asked to go away :frowning:

@Tomek985 - would you share which device you went with for the meter? anything else to flag?

PSEG uses a 3rd party customer dashboard for detailed usage called Bidgely. Much like Opower, Bidgely provides this service to many utility companies.

I guess it depends which PSEG* you are talking about. NY/NJ refer to their dashboard as “My Smart Meter”, which is provided by SaaS solution called “MyMeter” from Accelerated Innovations LLC.


I went with this one:

Already have z-wave so it was easy add. I didn’t need latest and greatest chip.
Warning though, you need to be comfortable to route leads into the panel

The PSE&G NJ “AMI Gate” department never got back to me when she said would check with their measurement department… I have emailed the [email protected] shown on their website as the contact…

Clever solution, evidently these meters can all talk to each other in a mesh network so my measurements end up being conncted to a router on the other end that may be far away from my home.

We will see what I might be able to learn from them.

Notice the picture of my meter if you zoom in, on the top right it says “zigbee”…

Regarding ZigBee in the meter

The terminology used by the industry for letting you read data from the meter is “Home Area Network” or HAN – Google smart meter "home area network" (Or HAN)

In this case the meter is the ZigBee controller. The utility can enable your certified ZigBee HAN device to pair with the meter.

Here’s an old Reddit thread:

Seems at least one utility is already sunsetting that capability: Heads Up: San Diego Gas & Electric is ditching HAN for smart meters

Regarding receiving the meter mesh network

A number of people have made progress receiving messages sent by their meter and meters in their neighborhood with SDRs. See Landis+Gyr GridStream Protocol - RECESSIM

I was able to capture and decode a bunch of the messages with rtl_433 and an RTL-SDR following other people’s work. The meter MAC addresses match. the uptimes match. I was able to figure out the correct CRC for PSEGLI.

But so far no one has been able to find and crack the usage data. It might be that these are being transmitted at a higher data rate that requires more bandwidth, different encoding, etc.

I have numerous Shelly devices and decided just to go with this which natively integrates into the Home Assistant ecosystem (graphs, energy panel, etc.) -

Fixed this link, it was the wrong model:

I’ll post results here later after I have received it and have some related data (It will be interesting to compare to the usage shown on my bill as well)…

And as promised -

Below I have pasted the electrical energy consumed by my home in July of 2024 from the HA energy dashboard and for comparison purposes -

I was able to get this from the PSE&G website (I got a new meter a few months back so am able to fiunally compare). This graph is very similar to the graph out of Home Assistant but i have to look deeper into it to see where the discrepancies are (for some reason HA has an anomaly in the beginning of the month with two big spikes, I think I was having some kind of an HA issue):

My account also uses MyMeter, but I noticed another possible data integration offered. Every month I receive this email from PSEG which summarizes my usage. When I click on any links in this email it brings me to a Bidgely dashboard. I wonder if PSEG sends usage data to Bidgely.

That’s interesting - though if it is available on my account I haven’t found it yet. I get a weekly email with a bar chart of daily total kWh usage.

Where does the per-appliance metering come from? Do you have sensors that they have access to?

I agree with your thoughts on Sense. Although for whole house usage I do find it to be pretty accurate when I match it with my meter data at PSEG.

@disforw That is very interesting - when you say PSE&G is that Public Service Electric & Gas (I am in northern NJ, see the charts I just updated in my other post above)? I did not find any place to sign up for the email but they do have a part of their web site which does show a screen similiar to that (the end of that URL says “insights” or the like)…?