Can´t enter password in Node RED addon - Node-RED do not start

newbie on Home Assistant and my first try to create post in this forum.

I have installed Node-Red, but it will not start. instruction says that I shall enter a password. when a look in the Configuration tab, the only text i find is:
This add-on does not expose configuration for you to mess with…

I have Run the command ha resolution check options --enabled=false addon_pwne as written in Pwned password in Node RED addon
and i have reboot.
Still the same text in Configuration tab and still Node-red will not start.

Need help to understand what to do.

Laptop with Ubuntu, VirtualBox, Home Assistant 2023.1.7 Supervisor 2023.01.1 Operating System 9.5 Frontend 20230110.0 - latest

hi, get the last update of Homa assistent to day, and now the I can enter password in the configuration tab. problem solved