Can you use a template in the Title for a markdown card?

I guess not as the docs specifically mention templates for the content but not for the title. If someone knows a trick, let me know.

Instead of using the “title” parameter, create you own in the markdown. Here is an example of a template in the title of a markdown card

type: markdown
content: >-
  ## Lights On [<ha-icon
  icon=mdi:lightbulb></ha-icon>](/climate-and-temperatures/lights) {{''}}
  ({{states('sensor.power_calc_lights_power')|int()}} w)
  <font color = 'blue' >
  {% set lights = ['light.all_basement_lights'] %}

  {{ expand(lights) | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list | count }} basement
  lights {% set lights = ['light.all_main_floor_lights'] %}

  {{ expand(lights) | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list | count }} main floor
  lights {% set lights = ['light.all_second_floor_lights'] %}

  {{ expand(lights) | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list | count }} second
  floor lights {% set lights = ['light.all_outdoor_lights'] %}

  {{ expand(lights) | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list | count }} outdoor


If you are interested, I believe you can use a for-loop to reduce the template to this:

type: markdown
content: >-
  ## Lights On [<ha-icon
  icon=mdi:lightbulb></ha-icon>](/climate-and-temperatures/lights) {{''}}
  ({{states('sensor.power_calc_lights_power')|int(0)}} w)
  <font color = 'blue' >
  {%- for light in ['light.all_basement_lights', 'light.all_main_floor_lights',
    'light.all_second_floor_lights', 'light.all_outdoor_lights'] -%}
  {{ expand(light) | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list | count }} {{ light.replace('_', ' ')[10:] }}
  {% endfor -%}
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