Cannot Access Web Interface after 83.x Upgrade


After upgrading from 82.1 to 83.0 (and .1, and .2, and .3), the web interface no longer comes up (the port is not bound). The python process for hass is still running, but it is not binding to 8123 any longer. The configuration passes the consistency check after the upgrade, and there is nothing amazing in the log. I have tried turning up debugging to 11, and I still can’t see any errors. Any thoughts on what to check? Reverting to 82.1 causes it to work again (after changing the geofency breaking change back to the old format).

  • Ben

Try clearing your browser cache or using incognito mode to test.

Before 83.2 I was always able to access the web frontend by host name. Now, only by IP address. Yes, I know this sounds like a local network issue but it does seem rather coincidental that 83.2 started this.

The socket does not bind; it doesn’t matter what my browser is doing if there is no open socket, correct?

Yup. I also can’t get it to start. The log says front end is started but there’s nothing listening on that port. It’s not owntracks since I don’t have owntracks configured at all.

And how long did you wait?

What does the log file say?

what does this command show?

sudo netstat -tanp|grep 8123

Same here…
I use docker.
Previous used version 0.82.1

i did:
docker pull homeassistant/home-assistant
docker stop home-assistant
docker start

starting 0.83.3:
the docker container is running, but i can´t connect to the webinterface.
inspecting logs with docker logs home-assistant shows “starting logger” as the last entry, before there are about another 10 lines (i can´t remember now, sitting at work)

then i stopped the container, and ran the previous version i used (0.82.x) - webinterface can be used.

any hints?

thx, Mario

i tried waiting about 20 to 30 minutes (maybe because of a database upgrade - nothing)
the logs do not change: last entry “starting logger”
i have owntracks configured: did i miss something here? i did not see any changes with owntracks?

yeah, post those lines when you get home :slight_smile:


thanks for your help.
i just connected to my home box using vpn to check.
what i can see now in the logs is:
Upgrading configuration directory from 0.83.3. to 0.82.1
Migrating old system configuration files to new locations
Loaded websocket_api from homeassistant.compontents.websocket_api
Homeassistant core initialized
Loaded mqtt from homeassistant.components.mqtt
Setting up mqtt
Setup of domain mqtt took 0.0 seconds
Loaded history from homeassistant.components.history
Loaded recorder from homeassistant.compontents.recorder
Loaded http from homeassistant.components.http
Loaded logger from homeassistant.components.logger
Setting up logger

So setting up logger is also the last line. The lines are identical to what i see with 0.83.3.
BUT: the first two lines (in bold). is there a change of locations of config files?

I waited more than half an hour. Checked my database (I use postgresql to log data) - there was no query running from hass, the connection was idling. I checked netstat - port was not bound. So whatever’s going on, is preventing binding of the port. It must be one of the components, but I didn’t have the time to debug and I needed the system running so I rolled back.

if you’re using owntracks, set it up the new way. then the web should come back.

thanks for your reply. where do i find instructions for the “new way”?
i use owntracks for about 6 to 8 months without any problems

Is the configuration under components - owntracks the correct one?

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  max_gps_accuracy: 200
  waypoints: true
  mqtt_topic: "owntracks/#"
  events_only: true
    - jon
    - ram
    cabin: home
    office: work

don’t forget to remove the “old way” too.

1 Like


I had the same problem and changing the Owntracks to “the new way” solved it.

Thank you!!!

I had the same problem, even try all version since 0.81.0 till 0.82.2 and all worked except when upgraded to any version of 0.83.X

I finally was able to get into the ssh and get the log and then I saw:
“OS out of memory”

I asked for help on discord was the culprit was poited that I didn’t migrate to the new hass OS (which is fill of…).

After a few tries I was able to upgrade to 0.83.X I removed the old owntracks and add the new which is buggy as hell, as all latest releases.

I have a relatively complex HA build on RPi 3B+ (32MB).
I have a good experience with this system, but in yesterday morning, since I did the last upgrade (0.83.2) the system did not start.
Specifically, it first started and complained of authentication errors, but the entire desktop worked. When I removed the complaint window and restarted the host (# hassio ho reboot), nothing happened the next time. The home-assitant.log is completely empty. First I deleted the database and did not create it.
Actually, no operation can be made, although the config and admin interface is available with ssh. (no desktop, no automation, but installed Add-Ons i.e. smba share, Node-Red, etc. also AppDaemon is runnig, but no sensors for it).
I tried to look at the config files but did not find anything abnormal. (Because off before this upgrade everything went good.)
The entire system is running in Docker images. I have not find any meaningful logos that I could get ahead of.
Is it possibility to restore the existing latest snapshot via the command-line interface? Or any other suggestion for launching HA and restoring desktop?
Any rapid suggestion would be grate.

Reading the posts here, I cant find relevant solution. I haven’t use Owntracks eiter.
This is a HA restart from cli.

    core-ssh:/config# hassio --debug ha restart
    DEBUG [CmdHomeassistant]: action->'restart', endpoint='restart', serverOverride->'', GET->'false', options->'', rawjson->'false', filter->''
    DEBUG [ExecCommand]: basepath->'homeassistant', endpoint->'restart', serverOverride->'', get->'false', Options->'', Filter->'', RawJSON->'false'
    DEBUG [GenerateURI]: basepath->'homeassistant', endpoint->'restart', serverOverride->''
    DEBUG [RestCall]: url->'http://hassio/homeassistant/restart', GET->'false', payload->''
    DEBUG [RestCall]: ResponseBody->'{"result": "error", "message": "Unknown Error, see logs"}'
    Unknown Error, see logs

What or where is the logs I can see for diagnostic reason?

I waited during dinner, so about an hour.

netstat is how I checked for the socket; appdaemon still bound to 8120, nothing bound to 8123.

  • Ben

I have upgraded owntracks to the new format…that was the cause for me. Log messages to this effect would have been fantastic…

I had two issues

  1. Recorder would not migrate the database schema. You may want to try and delete the homeassistant_v2.db file as I have found that the database migration also stops the ha service from starting. By deleting the file it will just create a new one and start recording again.

  2. Owntracks - once I change to the new configuration it works again


I have the exact same problem.
I completely removed owntracks from the configuration, with no luck.

Port 8123 is still not bound to homeassistant container.

hassio > login
~ # docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                NAMES
7223139ce321        homeassistant/raspberrypi3-64-homeassistant   "/bin/ pytho…"   53 seconds ago      Up 50 seconds                                                                            homeassistant
088a9d469350        homeassistant/aarch64-addon-configurator      "/"                About an hour ago   Up About an hour>3218/tcp                                               addon_core_configurator
0ed9fcc70239        homeassistant/aarch64-addon-ssh               "/"                About an hour ago   Up About an hour>22/tcp                                                   addon_core_ssh
f3d8c1bef62b        f000575e/aarch64-addon-upsmon                 "/"                About an hour ago   Up About an hour                                                                         addon_f000575e_upsmon
8706638ec540        f000575e/aarch64-addon-ot-recorder            "/"                About an hour ago   Up About an hour>8083/tcp                                               addon_f000575e_ot-recorder
739bb26f53e0        homeassistant/aarch64-addon-samba             "/"                About an hour ago   Up About an hour                                                                         addon_core_samba
4783ae84d19f        hassioaddons/sonweb-aarch64                   "/init"                  About an hour ago   Up About an hour>9541/tcp                                               addon_a0d7b954_sonweb
91ac7055968f        homeassistant/aarch64-addon-mosquitto         "/"                About an hour ago   Up About an hour>1883-1884/tcp,>8883-8884/tcp   addon_core_mosquitto
fd04a0690ae8        homeassistant/aarch64-hassio-supervisor       "python3 -m hassio"      13 days ago         Up About an hour                                                                         hassos_supervisor