Cannot fix error reading in Energy Dashboard - Solved

I’m using an ESP32-CAM with AI-on-the-edge technology to monitor my water meter. After a recent update, the alignment issues have caused inaccurate readings, resulting in incorrect data being displayed on the Energy Dashboard. Despite attempting numerous solutions, I’ve been unable to resolve the issue. I would appreciate any guidance on how to correct this problem or insights into what I might have overlooked.

Error in sensor

I pocked around in the DB but I’m no expert in that but could not find this data point in states. All states from that data looks right.

Error on the Energy Dashboard: 1 liter of water displayed as costing 15 million SEK, has to be the most expensive water ever! (This is the Feb 18)

Additionally, on February 19th, I encountered an error:

Upon reviewing the images, I suspect the issue may have stemmed from my adjustments in the “Adjust a statistic” section within the developer settings. I altered the maximum value from 959,411.11 liters to 0, which might have conflicted with the water meter’s correct reading of 52.111 liters recorded on February 19th. So the images are as it looks like today after I changed the value.

Core 2024.3.0b3
Supervisor 2024.02.1
Operating System 12.0
Frontend 20240228.1

I have looked for help here and maybe more places that I don’t remember:

How to fix statistics data (e.g. energy data)

Why can’t I get rid of bad sensor data?

Bad Data in Energy Dashboard

Anyone know how to correct one record (from an individual equipment) in the energy dashboard?

Error in energy dashboard

Hello, go to development tools → statistics and than correct the entity with “wrong” values… I did that a couple of times a few months ago and it worked perfectly well…

I don’t think the change you made was bad. Statistics are delta’s, not the total from the sensor. But I think you did adjust the liters, but not the cost statistics. So look for cost entities, and fix those too.

Done, that and it’s not working as you can see…

The cost is calculated based on the value so no septate sensor I can alter for this.

I believe my sensors are functioning correctly, but the Energy Dashboard isn’t displaying the accurate values. Is there a method to compel the Energy Dashboard to update with the correct values?

Although the sensor readings appear accurate, they’re not accurately represented on the Energy Dashboard.

It is not the price entity I’m referring to, but a cost entity (used*price). Because prices can change over time, it cannot be calculated in hindsight, so there is an entity calculating it and recording it.

I wasn’t aware that we had a cost sensor in place! Your clarification really helped and now I completely understand! Thanks so much!

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