Hello, I am new to Home Assistant. I have been tinkering with it for about a week and a half now, in fact. I’ve tried hard to solve this one on my own, but it’s just not working out, so I’m hoping someone smarter than I can shed some light on this:
I’ve received a couple of the new GE 14294 Z-Wave+ 3-way Dimmer Switches, and I’m trying to build some automation around them that requires knowing their current brightness. After days of Google and this forum, I did finally get the “On/Off” functionality working correctly by adding in
device_config: light.ge_14294_3way_dimmer_switch_level_5_0: refresh_value: true delay: 5
in my zwave config (thanks!), but nothing including setting a polling interval of 1000 and intensity of 1 will cause the dimmer slider to update its value.
In short, if I change the value from the UI, the switch immediately changes the lights, but manually activating the dimmer doesn’t update HA.
Thinking there might be some issue with openzwave, I copied the XML for the 12724 and added in a section for the Lifeline association from the 14291 switch XML like so:
<!-- Association Groups --> <CommandClass id="133"> <Associations num_groups="1"> <Group index="1" max_associations="1" label="Lifeline" /> </Associations> </CommandClass>
then updated the manufacturer_specific.xml file to add in the new entry for the device ID. I then removed the switch and added it back in using ozwcp, verifying it showed up as a 14294 instead as an unknown device in HA, so I know the config is getting used. Still not getting slider updates.
So… anyway, any ideas what I’m doing wrong?