Cannot log in from Home Assistant Wear OS app

Hi all!

Loving Home Assistant for a long time now. But there’s something I have never been able to complete successfully, which is using the app on my Wear OS Smartwatch. Hopefully somebody here can help me.

So, what I did is:

  1. Home Assistant app is installed on the phone and works fine
  2. Install the Home Assistant app on my watch
  3. Launch the Home Assistant app on my watch
  4. It discovers my Home Assistant instance, and I select it
  5. On my phone, it asks me for username, password and TOTP
  6. On the phone, it asks for a device name (I accept the default)
  7. On the phone, I get dropped back into the “Wear device settings” page, where no device is listed. No error message or anything.

Any suggestions what might be going on?

Additional Info:

  • The Home Assistant app on the phone is working fine.
  • The Phone is connected to WiFi
  • The watch is connected to the phone via Bluetooth (WiFi is disabled on the watch)
  • I’m running the latest versions of the phone and watch apps.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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i got the same issue! have you had any luck?

Enabled WiFi on my watch and then I was able to connect. Did not try afterwards if it would still work with Wifi on the watch disabled again.

Exactly same prob on Samsung Watch 5.

Launch app on watch
Select instance on watch
HA opens on phone (S22)
Auth screen / login on phone
‘Connect To Home Assistant’ screen with watch device name
click continue
‘Wear Device Settings’
Login Wear OS Device
Back to auth screen

Watch Wifi is on (whether its actually used is determined by the watch), but connected to phone via bluetooth. If I turn off BT on phone to force a wifi connection the HA watch app just says ‘cannot connect to phone’.

I’m using the Cloudflared add-on, not sure if that is somehow preventing the watch app working???

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yeah, this is a weird issue.
I cant see anything in the logs either and I cant for the life of me get my Samsung 5 to connect

Same problem here. Samsung phone, Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 classic.

Same issue with a Samsung Phone, Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 :frowning:

Same here. I wonder if the HTTPS is the problem. In order to use ESP Home I had to enable HTTPS.
I am using a self signed certificate. If I try to login into the mobile app I get the error regarding the certificate. I imported the certificate into my smartphone and I could login into home assistant.

Maybe the Galaxy Watch 5 has the same problem. It tries to login and an error occurs because of the
self signed certificate? Are you guys using HTTPS?

Best regards

I was having the same issue. Hopefully, this should help.
According to the WiFi help on my Galaxy 5 Pro, WiFi is disabled when Bluetooth is connected.
Once I disabled Bluetooth, I was able to connect to Home Assistant from my watch.
Once I was connected, I re-enabled Bluetooth, and I was still able to connect.

EDIT: (15 minutes later) I was wrong. Re-enabling Bluetooth breaks the connection. If I need to control anything, I need to disable Bluetooth.

I looked further at my help and see that the watch will start using WiFi when needed. I am guessing there is a bug where the watch isn’t trying to use WiFi - or at least not fast enough.

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Same here. Galaxy Watch 5, HA 2023.2, companion 2023.1.1-full

I think that problem is with DNS servers over Bluetooth connection. If watch connects using Wi-Fi then it works, if it’s connected via Bluetooth and phone is on local network (local DNS forwarding to local IP /https-certificate workaround) then it’s not working. And if I disconnect phone from Wi-Fi and watch is connected to phone via Bluetooth then it’s again working. So it’s only not working when watch is connected to phone using Bluetooth and phone is on local network and using local DNS that forwards to local IP. That got me to suspect on watch is not using correct DNS.

exactly the steps here with Watch 5 Pro LTE,
with or without WIFI / BT not working,
HA v2023.3.0

Did any of you find a solution? I have a valid https cert using a reverse proxy Infront off ha, but nothing happens when i try to login.

Using a tic watch 3 pro ultra gps.

Checked the access log off my reverse proxy and no traffic is coming from the watch even when I’m using WiFi.

Same problem here. I had to reinstall app on my Watch 4 Classic, now I can’t login to HA from my watch (https with Let’s Encrypt certificate).

I had this issue but in my case I had configured my reverse proxy to only allow TLS 1.3, but Wear OS 2 does not seem to support TLS 1.3 yet, after relaxing the restriction to TLS 1.2 it works as expected.


Did someone find a way to fix this or at least a workaroud? I can’t even login when using local IP instead of FQDN… TicWatch pro 3 ultra GPS here.

Anyone has managed to connect their wear OS to HA

Yep, works for me on Galaxy Watch 5 Pro, with and without WIFI. It finds my setup, can connect then it directs me to continue on phone where I can assign my favorites.

I’m using SSL secured with letsencrypt cert, with port forwarding for port 443 to the hass box on my router.

Basically the same issue here. Tried enabling Wi-Fi and still got the same issue, but didn’t disable bluetooth on the watch.

On the Wear device settings page there is an old “Manage device Galaxy Watch5 (…)”, tapping it does nothing.

I try initiating a login, either via “Login Wear OS device” on the phone or opening the watch app and tapping my homeassistant.local instance and continuing on phone. After entering the device name I get a “Could not register watch” toast and end up back on the Wear device settings screen. And the “Manage device …” is the same as before, not the new device name I entered.

I have the new pixel watch 2 and was having the same priblem. I was able to log in after disabling “Private DNS” in connectivity settings.

I am not port forwarding and DNS does not resolve from outside so I guess whatever “private” DNS google is using to monitor me wasn’t able to find it.