Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'get Config Element')

I have the following error in the dashboards, I don’t know why it is caused. But if I add any new card it is solved momentarily, if I reload the page again, the error returns.
Something similar happened to someone, what could it be?

thank you

with error

with no error

I realise you need to use a screenshot to indicate the error but also please share the complete stack-in card config as text correctly formatted for the forum.

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type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
  - type: custom:banner-card
    heading: Sala/Comedor
    background: var(--primary-background-color)
    square: false
      style: |
        .heading {
          display: flex;
          align-items: center;
          font-size: 22px !important;
          #color: #fcfafa !important;  # Color del texto
        .heading::before {
          content: "🛋️";
          font-size: 30px !important;  # Aumentar tamaño para prueba
          margin-right: 8px;
          transform: translateY(-6px);
        .heading > span {
          font-weight: bold;  # Asegurarse de que el texto del encabezado esté en negrita
  - type: entities
      - type: custom:hue-like-light-card
          - light.aplique_sala
          - light.hue_go_1
          - light.lampara_pie
          - light.spot_sala
        title: Sala
        offColor: theme-color
        hueScreenBgColor: theme-color
        offShadow: false
        hueBorders: false
        icon: mdi:sofa
          style: |
            ha-switch {
              top: 15px !important;
              right: 2px !important;
      - entity: switch.luz_comedor_switch_2
      - entity: input_boolean.aire_comedor
      - entity: binary_sensor.snzb_06p_occupancy
      - type: custom:multiple-entity-row
        entity: binary_sensor.sensor_humo_comedor_ts0205_humo
        name: Sensor Humo Comedor
          - entity: sensor.sensor_humo_comedor_ts0205_bateria
            name: batería
    state_color: true
    show_header_toggle: false
  - type: media-control
    entity: media_player.firetv_sala

Thanks. Here’s your issue:

  - type: entities
      - type: custom:hue-like-light-card

You are trying to use the hue-like-light-card as a row element of the entities card. This is not supported by the custom card.

So either do this:

type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
  - type: custom:banner-card
    heading: Sala/Comedor
    background: var(--primary-background-color)
    square: false
      style: |
        .heading {
          display: flex;
          align-items: center;
          font-size: 22px !important;
          #color: #fcfafa !important;  # Color del texto
        .heading::before {
          content: "🛋️";
          font-size: 30px !important;  # Aumentar tamaño para prueba
          margin-right: 8px;
          transform: translateY(-6px);
        .heading > span {
          font-weight: bold;  # Asegurarse de que el texto del encabezado esté en negrita
  - type: custom:hue-like-light-card
      - light.aplique_sala
      - light.hue_go_1
      - light.lampara_pie
      - light.spot_sala
    title: Sala
    offColor: theme-color
    hueScreenBgColor: theme-color
    offShadow: false
    hueBorders: false
    icon: mdi:sofa
      style: |
        ha-switch {
          top: 15px !important;
          right: 2px !important;
  - type: entities
      - entity: switch.luz_comedor_switch_2
      - entity: input_boolean.aire_comedor
      - entity: binary_sensor.snzb_06p_occupancy
      - type: custom:multiple-entity-row
        entity: binary_sensor.sensor_humo_comedor_ts0205_humo
        name: Sensor Humo Comedor
          - entity: sensor.sensor_humo_comedor_ts0205_bateria
            name: batería
    state_color: true
    show_header_toggle: false
  - type: media-control
    entity: media_player.firetv_sala

Or if you really want it as a row element of the entities card you will have to use this: GitHub - thomasloven/lovelace-hui-element: 🔹 Use built-in elements in the wrong place

Thanks!, I’m going to make those changes to see if it solves

I have the same error, only dissapear if i agree one more ramdon card in the dashboard is strange

Save the whole card config somewhere. Then remove the cards from the stack one by one until the error disappears. Which card is causing the issue?

Also just noticed this:

Does the banner card support variables in the background option?

The docs only say this:

I just added the one you sent me to a new page and that one gives an error

Come on dude help us help you. What error?

Registrador: frontend.js.modern.202410024
Fuente: components/system_log/
Ocurrió por primera vez: 20:19:24 (3 ocurrencias)
Última vez registrado: 20:19:56

Uncaught error from Chrome on Windows 10 Error: Failed to execute ‘define’ on ‘CustomElementRegistry’: the name “multiple-entity-row” has already been used with this registry window.CustomElementRegistry.define (src/scoped-custom-element-registry.js:44:14) /hacsfiles/lovelace-multiple-entity-row/multiple-entity-row.js:1:38192 /hacsfiles/lovelace-multiple-entity-row/multiple-entity-row.js:1:38226
Uncaught error from Chrome on Windows 10 Error: Failed to execute ‘define’ on ‘CustomElementRegistry’: the name “hue-mushroom-slider-container” has already been used with this registry window.CustomElementRegistry.define (src/scoped-custom-element-registry.js:44:14) /hacsfiles/lovelace-hue-like-light-card/hue-like-light-card.js:34:840 e (/hacsfiles/lovelace-hue-like-light-card/hue-like-light-card.js:1:250) /hacsfiles/lovelace-hue-like-light-card/hue-like-light-card.js:108:403
Uncaught error from Chrome on Windows 10 Error: Failed to execute ‘define’ on ‘CustomElementRegistry’: the name “banner-card” has already been used with this registry window.CustomElementRegistry.define (src/scoped-custom-element-registry.js:44:14) /hacsfiles/banner-card/banner-card.js:278:418 /hacsfiles/banner-card/banner-card.js:1:201 /hacsfiles/banner-card/banner-card.js:1:205

i delete one by one in stack and the error persist

Then it could be the stack-in card. Try testing the core vertical-stack card instead.

Looks like there have been no updates for 4 years and there are many open issues. GitHub - custom-cards/stack-in-card: 🛠 group multiple cards into one card without the borders I would not use this.

For similar stack-in functionality I use entities cards with the previously linked hui-element card to allow adding anything as a row.

yes! the stack-in card was the problem, I will look for another solution, thank you very much!

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