Error: Error while opening serialport 'Error: Error: No such file or directory, cannot open /dev/serial/by-id/usb-ITead_Sonoff_Zigbee_3.0_USB_Dongle_Plus_584b60cc2e86ec11935e641719c2d21c-if00-port0
Look in Settings → System → Hardware → All Hardware
No, it just mounts as a COM port.
But, my Z-wave devices do work, so how could the dongle be bad?
I can see all my devices in the Z-Wave JS UI.
If I use: port: /dev/ttyACM0
there are no errors in the log, but the UI gives a 502 (Bad Gateway) error.
All I did was to restore my HA from a 2-day old backup.
Whats the brand of your stick? I had this exact same problem a few months ago with a sonoff stick. Turned out to be a “dodgy” nvram. I had a lot of hassle to restore my config (stick config).
Verify that the user you run Zigbee2MQTT as has write access to the port
This can be tested by executing: test -w [PORT] && echo success || echo failure ( e.g. test -w /dev/ttyACM0 && echo success || echo failure).
If it outputs failure it could mean your user does not have access to the port. To test assign write access by executing: sudo chown [USER] [PORT] (e.g. sudo chown pi /dev/ttyACM0).
if it outputs failure, then you need to permanently give your user permission to the device.
#Method 1: Give your user permissions on every reboot.
I had some issues like this a while ago, I tried everything and nothing worked. Ended up reflashing the USB stick and then suddenly everything was golden.
I’ve never used Z-wave so excuse me if I have misunderstood something, but how is Zwave related to Zigbee2Mqtt and why would you see Zigbee-devices there if your Zigbee stick is not communicating properly?
Z-wave is a big mystery to me. Why do I need Zigbee2MQTT anyway? I just want to add or delete Zigbee devices to my network.
When I use /dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00, the log shows errors connecting to the dongle. When I use /dev/ttyACM0, there are no log errors, but I get a 502 Bad Gateway error when opening the UI.