Can't connect to homeassistant:8123

if you’ve set up for https, then https becomes required. so if your certificate is create for duckdns (or any ddns) then you must go through that path. if you don’t want to ever connect remotely, then why do ddns in the first place? take it off there, don’t port forward, and stay local (http:)

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You’re the king, you solved my problem!
Even if I wasn’t interested to remotely access to HA I’d been using ddns for the other nas functions, but I didn’t know that I should’ve reach HA ONLY through ddns url. When at home, I never used it to access to my dsm and other apps of my nas, I always used the local ip instead.
Using my ddns url (after opening the port), everything is working!

Just a question: is there a way to “exclude” HA from the ddns?


ddns doesn’t know anything about your home assistant. the job of ddns is just to redirect to your external ipadress, which then hits your router. it’s your router that then forwards traffic to any internal servers that you have. and it does this port by port.

so i presume your router has a rule that says traffice to port 8123 should go to your homeassistant ip address. go nuke that rule.

Enabling that port to my HA local ip and using the url htp://myddnsname:8123/ is the only way I can reach HA (workaround that I found after your previous suggestion); if I try to reach my HA through the local ip htp:// doesn’t work.

apologies, i may have lost an understanding of the current situation… could you correct this to be the current state…

you have ssl certificates.
you are able to successfully connect via https://your.dns:8123
you cannot connect via https://192.168…:8123

if you have ssl certs the above is expected behavior.

if i’ve got something wrong above, please correct. and then clarify what’s broken that you are trying to make work?

No problem, you’re helping me.
I’ll try to explain everything about my setup:

  • HA is installed as a VM in Virtual Machine Manager (on my Synology nas)
  • I’m using a ddns service and I have 3 certificates on my nas: the first is the default synology certificate but I’m not using it for anything; the second is specifically for the quickconnect function; the third is for my ddns domain and it’s the system default certificate for everything
  • I’m able to connect to my nas through ht+ps://192...:/ AND through ht+ps://my.ddns:**/
  • I’m able to connect to HA through ht+p://my.ddns:8123/ (with 8123 open on my router to the VM local IP)
  • I’m NOT able to connect to HA through ht+ps://my.ddns:8123/ (it shows me “SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG” and “SSL received a packet that exceeds the maximum allowed size”)
  • I’m NOT able to connect to HA through ht+ps://VMlocalIP:8123/ nor through ht+p://VMlocalIP:8123/

I’d like to connect to HA via ht+ps://VMlocalIP:8123/ (and/or http) and ht+ps://my.ddns:8123/

Hope it can help you to understand my situation.

ah… ok, definitely more involved than i originally had imagined. i’m not sure i have the answer, but just for more completeness.

what’s the current ha cert config? you currently don’t have ssl_certificate and ss_key in configuration.yaml i presume?

that is definitely baffling to me that http://192.vm.ha:8123 doesn’t work whereas http://my.ddns:8123 does.

and just for grins and giggles… tried backing up your current ha, put in a default skeleton configuration.yaml and see if that works?

HA is a brand new installation, never used before, configuration.yaml is empty, I never touched it.

I had the same problem tonight - and found that I’d make a mistake that might help somebody.

Just back from visiting a relative in hospital and trying to get their i-pad working on the hospital network without luck. So I created a wi-fi hot spot on my phone and connected the ipad to that.

I forgot to switch off the mobile hot spot on my phone when leaving the hospital.

Got home - started the laptop. It connected to the mobile hot spot and not the home network - and I could not see homeassistant.

As soon as I switched the hot spot OFF and connected to my home network - Bingo - I could access homeassistant.

Silly mistake by me - but owning up to this publicly might help someone :slight_smile:

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The problem was the presetted e1000 network adapter from my VM on Synology, I needed to change it with the virtio.
No one ever mentions this, so I’m probably the only one who has had this problem…
Thanks for your time!

wow. i’m glad you figured it out! certainly not obvous!

Definitely a stroke of luck, but perhaps useful to someone with the same strange problem :slight_smile:

I had a similar issue trying to access a new Home Assistant Green for the first time. http://homeassistant.local:8123 and http://XXX.XXX.XX.XX:8123 produced a 404 access error. Kenny with CloudFree provided a solution that worked. With a keyboard and monitor connected to the HA hub, on the command line I entered CORE_UPDATE. I was then able to access the start page in my browser.

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With Notepad edit the Host file at **c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\

Add the following line at the bottom of the file: http://homeassistant:8123
(( 71.10) this part of the above address needs to reflect your local IP address for Home Assistant)

Save and reboot windows.

Open a browser and type http://homeassistant:8123

It’ll take you into your Home Assistant login page…

Once you have used ‘http://homeassistant:8123’ once - you’ll probably be able to open Home Assistant by typing ‘homeasstant’ in your browser and it’ll open http://homeassistant:8123

I tried the connect command nmcli device wifi connect “YOUR_SSID” password “YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD”. I have a < in my wifi password. It thinks everything after that is a file. Is there something in the command I can do to tell it is a password? I really don’t want to change all my wifi devices in my house

Hi there… Same issue here… on RPI3b +

I write on Terminal sudo netstat -tunlp | grep 8123 to check if im listening the door… but nothing appear? Command is correct?

If I use only sudo netstat -tunlp I have some addresses none are the connected IP

I can search online on RPI, so its wired connected to router/internet…

today a few tests

ruisa2@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl status [email protected]

Unit [email protected] could not be found.

ruisa2@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep home-assistant

ruisa2@raspberrypi:~ $

no reply from last command

Did you try connecting to the ip?
What device are you running?
Is your device connected to wifi?
If yes, did you set up the pw and everything correctly in the pi flasher?
Try accessing your pi trough connecting an screen to it aswell. Will usually show the ip and a banner that Hass is running. If it doesent shows a banner, type banner and press enter. If no results come up, your hass install might be broken.

Your machine needs to be able to send / receive UDP packets on the multicast IPv4 address and port 5353.
How and Where check this possibility ?
How set it ?

Solved it for me, thank you!