Can't connect to homeassistant:8123

Does mDNS work on your network @jerker74? Did you try just with the hostname or the ip?

I have a weird problem: I’m running homassistant on a raspberry4, hassos latest version, everything updated. I’ve changed the router and now I can’t access anymore the local (lan) HA homepage. Not with “homeassistant.local:8123” and not even with “ip:8123”. Everything is working fine before the router change. Now the “funny” part: I can access it using “ip:8123” if I’m connected via Wireguard VPN… using “” is OK too.
Any suggestion? I’ve opened all the port for the raspberry on the new router, just to try, but is not working.

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I was having this same trouble but I accessed it using the 10.0.0.x address. I found it by logging into Comcast Business and viewing list of devices connected to the router. If you don’t have CB there may be a similar process.

http://10.0.0.x:8123 got me to my admin login, then to the control panel.

This worked for me, and it lasted so far. But only with http, not https

Hello Uzirox,

I had the same problem. I use a VPN to work remotely, shutting it down resolved my problem.

Hey Guys, Same Problem on this side. Today i came home and nothing works. All entities running, but no connection thru app, webbrowser or anything else. SSh also doesnt work. i have no clue why.
I use a duckdns adress, which says no connection, ive tried the local adress in diffenrent variation, no luck. and also in this case (i am a noob) i dont know how to recover the system from my attached m.2ssd via usb.

any ideas to all this ?

Observer says this…

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Been hitting the same problem here as well and after weeks of trying to find an answer on my own Im about to throw in the towel. I even reformatted my RPI4 SD card… Is there some kind of support person I can contact? Im not even sure how to frame my question - just that my HA stopped working

A significant amount of people with problems in this thread appear to be caused by following a guide to setup DuckDNS with LetsEncrypt and making Home Assistant only respond to https requests. Which is great when it works, but when something goes wrong, you don’t have the ability to connect to the local IP to troubleshoot because it will of course cause a certificate error.

I think the Home Assistant team are either going to have to make it extremely clear that once you go https you can only access Home Assistant via it’s SSL domain. Or they are going to have to make a push to get people using the Nginx Proxy add-on so that Home Assistant can be accessed both via the http 8123 port for troubleshooting, and for general use via the https 443 port.

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This issue (not just HASS, but *.local addresses in home networks in general) is often caused by disabled, blocked or misconfigured multicast on the local network, the Bonjour / mDNS service being disabled (depending on your OS), or maybe an active VPN that doesn’t do split-tunnelling.

Your machine needs to be able to send / receive UDP packets on the multicast IPv4 address and port 5353. If it can’t, this won’t work.

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This is what was my issue. After a power outage my router lost the settings for my Dynamic DNS. Before I found out that this was the problem I could reach my HA by the local adress (not https) http://homeassistant.local:8123.
After I fixed the settings in the router everything worked as it should.

Same issue after installing nginx proxy and duckDNS.

Steps worked for me - use https://homeassistant.local:xxxx and uninstall the addons

HTTP was not accessible.

Don’t believe this should stop add-ons or the remote connection to the home assistant from starting? Nabu Casa shows the remote url isn’t established and I confirmed the AdGuard home server isn’t running

I had the same issue that I was suddenly not able to access via homeassistant:8123 anymore but the app was still workin and HA continued to do it’s buissness.

This is how I solved it:

  1. use the Home assistant app and go to SSH Terminal if you have installed it
  2. use the address listed under “Home assistant URL” instead of the default homeassistant:8123

Hope this helps!

I also lost the ability to access my Homeassistant yesterday. Nothing was changed to it recently, I just noticed that my window blinds didn’t go down, wanted to check what’s up and found that I can’t access it in my own LAN, neither via http://homeassistant.local:8123/ nor http://homeassistant:8123/ (how I was usually accessing it) nor (its internal LAN address). Even tried accessing (i’ve set the HA IP to be static in my router) via windows file explorer, not loading anything. My HA was running on a Raspberry Pi4, the RPi4 was plugged in directly via ethernet cable to the switch (Ubiquiti Managed Switch) and wasn’t enabled to be accessible over the internet anyway. Previously I’ve had no issues accessing it via LAN for 3+ years.

Opened command shell, typed in “ping” and the pings are getting <1ms responses. Typed in “ping homeassistant”, and it’s reporting the with <1ms responses. In my router software, I can see a bit of 5kB traffic happening when I ping the RPI4. Typed in “ping homeassistant.local”, it’s not reporting an IP but a MAC address that doesn’t seem to be from the RPi4:

Ping wird ausgeführt für homeassistant [fe80::7aa9:d484:f2b2:c3be%7] mit 32 Bytes Daten:
Antwort von fe80::7aa9:d484:f2b2:c3be%7: Zeit<1ms
Antwort von fe80::7aa9:d484:f2b2:c3be%7: Zeit<1ms
Antwort von fe80::7aa9:d484:f2b2:c3be%7: Zeit<1ms
Antwort von fe80::7aa9:d484:f2b2:c3be%7: Zeit<1ms

Ping-Statistik für fe80::7aa9:d484:f2b2:c3be%7:
    Pakete: Gesendet = 4, Empfangen = 4, Verloren = 0
    (0% Verlust),
Ca. Zeitangaben in Millisek.:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Mittelwert = 0ms

I looked at the RPi4 itself, the red power light is showing and a green LED as well. I’ve plugged it out of electricity and plugged it back in again, it rebooted, but I still can’t access it.

I would suggest connected your rpi4 to a monitor so you can see if there are any messages it is reporting when booting.

Good idea, did that and well… I take it this is not a good sign?

Just a guess but I think you are using an sd card in your raspberry pi 4 (mmcblk0 in your messages). I am going to suggest, unfortunately this sd card has decided it is time to expire.

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when I plug it into an SD card reader from my PC, I can still read the contents of the SD card itself

I have a spare SD card, can I just transfer over the files from the old one to the new one, or what are the steps to “properly” back up from the old SD card and restore HA on a new one?

I also had the Google DRive Backup add-on on HA and should still ahve some full backups

Good job having backups. I am going to need to tap out at this point as I don’t use an rpi for HA so my advice is limited on getting back up and running. I will add that there is quite a bit on this forum about getting what you need off the old sd card so a search should help with that. Lastly if you can consider using another method to boot the pi in the future this should help with reliability as sd card corruption seems to be somewhat common due to the constant writing to this card. Again there should be lots of people on this forum that have gone down this path. Good Luck!

Hi guys, I thought I was the only one with this problem, but it seems I wasn’t.
Same as yoloitup I can’t reach my hassio ip even if I can ping it without problems.
The difference is that I have it installed on a virtual machine of my synology nas. I never used hassio before (I tried it on docker and it worked).
I read that a problem could be duckdns and let’sencrypt; I use no-ip instead (and let’sencrypt), but anyway I don’t want to access to my HA remotely I just want to use it locally…
Nobody have found a solution in these years? It’s not encouraging…