I have a TP-Link HS110 connected to my HA platform using the TP-Link Kasa integration.
I accidentally deleted this device from the integration and now whenever I try to re-add it, I got a pop-up saying:
Any ideas on how to overcome this ?
Thanks in advance.
Solved. I’ll do my best to document this here, anyone finding this feel free to reach out!
I deleted a KASA 100 series bulb from my HA server whilst troubleshooting something. It then failed to show up, even when I factory reset it and added it to the TP Link Kasa app with a new name.
Upon targeting the IP of the bulb in question (With the Kasa integration setup), I recieved the “Device already configured” message. I assumed (correctly) this meant orphaned registry entries that were no longer accessible from the UI.
So, I installed the community SSH Add-On, stopped my HA server core while leaving the HA OS itself running, and accessed the filesystem of my server with WinSCP. I then searched for the MAC address of the orphaned bulb in the core.config_entries, core.device_registry, and core.enities_registry JSON files. I deleted the entry blocks for these carefully, making sure the syntax before and after was left intact.
You mileage may vary, but this worked for me and I was able to add and use the device again!
Worked great! Well, took me two tries. Thanks really appreciate it!
And to save somebody a google search:
The core can be shutdown with ha core stop and ha core start to boot up
WARNING:don’t run in browser!! You must be able to connect to the server directly (ssh remotely or from the VM host) as the browser will be shut off!!
The files can be found with cd /config/.storage/… then use vim or nano
to edit.
Side note: If using static IPs, just clear any associated reservations. In my
case my nightstand was flickering, so: basement->nightstand, new->basement,
keeping IPs consistent. Kasa must depend on a successful lease from the DHCP
server to finish the registration, as pre-changing the reservation’s MAC didn’t