Hi Everyone, I tried to update Home Assistant OS from 5.13 to 7.4, but it crashes in the process (shows “Connection lost. Reconnecting…” forever). The only way I found to recover it is restoring the backup files of the VM, as I have no access to the UI after trying to update. Anyone knows how to solve this?
I’m running HA 2022.3.2 (just updated) in VirtualBox under Windows10 (Dell notebook).
Perhaps this solution will help. Login via SSH and make the update in a few steps.
Thanks, @bertreb !
The command line updates of the OS almost worked, but it showed me that I might have a problem behind the update issue. Every update is followed by a restart and at every restart I get fail messages, one of them requiring a “ctrl-D” to proceed. After the command line updates, every restart requires interaction to finish. I guess that’s the reason I’m never getting to the UI, since this is shown even before HA command line is loaded.
Here are the screenshots of the failure messages:
and then

Pressing ctrl-d gets Home Assistant to work, but it does not allow unattended restarts.
Any idea on how to fix this?