Car arrival sensor - allow to configure away/unavailable timing

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I have two SmartThings arrival sensors, one in each car. Both sensors show the same behavior, described below.

When a car leaves (for example, for the 8-hour work shift), its corresponding sensor flips from “Home” to “Away” shortly after, which is fine. But, 6 hours later, it flips to “Unavailable”, which is too short for the mentioned work shift.

The request is to make this timing configurable.

In earlier HA versions it used to take at least a couple of days, but in the most recent HA versions it seems to be hard-coded to 6 hours.

Full device info:

It IS configurable, but you cannot set it at device level.

Go to Settings > Integrations > ZHA > Configure and bump up “consider battery powered devices as unavailable after” from 21600s (6 hours) to whatever suits you.
Remember to click Update Configuration at the bottom when done :wink:

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Wow, thanks man, this is exactly what I was looking for!

Welcome. Please consider marking my post as the Solution so that others with the same issue will be able to fix it.

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