Zigbee car arrival sensor - how to extend the "away" time period

I have a couple of Zigbee arrival sensors made by SmartThings, in each car, with some automation built around it. I found today that they flip from “away” to “unavailable” state in about 6 hours. Never had this problem with earlier HA versions (it used to take at least few days), but after the most recent updates. Currently on 2024.11.

Is there a way to adjust it? The desired behavior that it stays “away” for at least 24 hours after the sensor departure.

Logbook entries:

was detected at home
3:04:55 PM - 36 minutes ago

was detected at unavailable
1:35:06 PM - 2 hours ago

was detected away
7:33:50 AM - 8 hours ago

For those who came by this topic:

Go to Settings > Integrations > ZHA > Configure and bump up “consider battery powered devices as unavailable after” from 21600s (6 hours) to whatever suits you.
Remember to click Update Configuration at the bottom when done :wink:

Kudos to @ShadowFist for answering it here

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