Hi all,
I have been looking at calculating emissions of CO2Equivalent for my energy consumption and thought the easiest path would be to augment the core energy dashboard and features (at least to test the ideas).
I have made some progress now and thought I’d share here as this thread has some interest on the topic. All the work is currently on a branch in my own repo. It needs to have quite a few tests added and quite a bit of refactoring.
I have added three new cards and some functionality in the energy modules to calculate emissions, offsets (if for example you purchase a “greenpower” energy package that has a guaranteed offset) and avoided/exported (“truly negative” emissions).
I added an “Energy emissions” graph card that is a chart with electrical emissions, offsets and avoided and gas emissions and offsets. An “Emissions table” with the various types of emissions as on the chart and a net emission and an absolute emission for the selected period. There is also an “Emissions gauge” showing net emissions. These all operate on the same period selection as the rest of the energy work.
I have been generating test energy flows on my development environment so it doesn’t match reality and looks a little weird (I will deploy to my home assistant after it is more robust).
The animated gif shows what it looks like on the energy dashboard:
Energy emissions graph and table daily:
Energy emissions graph and table weekly:
Energy emissions graph and table monthly:
My aim in making these changes was to enable me to track my absolute and net emissions accurately as my family looks to stay as close to zero absolute emissions as possible and to be very negative net emissions. I also want it to be usable for others to track their emissions just for understanding or to approach net zero or attempt close to absolute zero.
This currently works very well for all-electric homes and uses CO2 Sensor (as already configured in Energy). I wanted it to work for gas power also (using static conversion for co2equiv). I also added an ability to set the amount of offsets for the source as configuration.
I’ll need input on how to treat gas and appropriate conversions and defaults.
I think fossil-fuel powered vehicle mileage would be good to add also. I don’t even know how people are tracking that currently in home assistant.
I have also starting experimenting with embodied carbon of purchases (which I track separate to home assistant currently). I don’t think home assistant does well as a logger for tracking “manual inputs”. I also think it doesn’t fit in the energy tab anymore in that case (but not sure how it should be rehomed for emissions) so lots of discussion to go there.
Keen for thoughts and feedback and what you’d like to see in this area.