šŸ”¹ Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card

I do not think it is possible.

Iā€™m trying to resize/compress the items in this card and need to find a way to reduce the ā€œiconā€ size in my Entities card but I canā€™t find anything in the forum that points the way

See below - Iā€™d like the Unifi icon to be smaller

Already told you where to take this.

How about you link it then instead? As this looks like a card-mod thread to me

You want other people to find a link for you instead of following a simple path ā€œ1st post ā†’ link at the bottomā€.
Imho proposed approach is MUCH more useful than giving ready solutions.


Trying to change the color of the graphs fill and the line in an Entities Card with a footer.

  type: graph
  entity: sensor.kitchen_thermometer_kitchen_outdoor_temperature
  detail: 1

Something like? But Iā€™m not getting it to work. Could someone help out?

 hui-graph-header-footer$: |
   hui-graph-base {


This footer/header graphs could be same as a Sensor card.
What you should try to do is:

  1. Take examples for the Sensor card.
  2. Take examples for header/footer.
  3. Compose valid paths for graphs inside footer, find out proper css attributes.

Examples here: 1st post ā†’ link at the bottom.

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As Iā€™ve already told you, I have done what you suggested and cannot locate the help I need in that extensive list of links.

If anybody would like to assist me instead of making assumptions, then that would be appreciated

Can you find words ā€œEntities cardā€ in that ā€œextensive list of linksā€?
Guess you misunderstood what a ā€œlink at the bottomā€ means.

Not at all, I just canā€™t find the info that you say resolves my issue.

You asked about resizing an icon - it is there.
You asked about resizing a row - it is there.
I explained where to find it - you failed and started blaming me in TWO threads.
You asked for links to solutions - I gave you a link to a LIST of solutions.
Guess I am a bit tired with this transaction.

Here is what I take to be the information from your links, which incidentally, I have read several times today trying to resolve this myself, which is why I posted a request for help:

Which if pasted AS IS into the editor, does not function, let alone if I try to integrate it as follows:

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

ā€“accent-color will set the fill and line of the graph as i understand it.

So this is what i came up with that works

    .: |
      .header-footer.footer {
        --accent-color: var(--red-color);

Tried to set the --accent-color dynamically dependent on the temperature value of my sensor but i cant get that to work in the footer.
Is it my path inside the footer thatā€™s wrong in this case?

For a Sensor Card i get it to work

graph: line
type: sensor
detail: 1
entity: sensor.kitchen_thermometer_kitchen_outdoor_temperature
  style: |
    ha-card {
      {% if states(config.entity)|float(0) > 24.9 %}
        --accent-color: var(--red-color);
      {% elif states(config.entity)|float(0) > 18 %}  
        --accent-color: var(--green-color);
      {% elif states(config.entity)|float(0) > 10 %}  
        --accent-color: var(--orange-color);
      {% elif states(config.entity)|float(0) > 0 %}  
        --accent-color: var(--light-blue-color);
      {% else %}  
        --accent-color: var(--blue-color);
      {% endif %} 


Are you saying that the 1st code (with static color) does work for a graph in header/footer?
And are you saying that the 2nd code (with dynamic color) does work with a Sensor card?
If yes - then use a template from the 2nd code in the 1st code - but note that ā€œconfig.entityā€ cannot be used here, use a particular entity_id.
(in fact, it depends on a card which is used as the ā€œmain cardā€ - which contains this header/footer).

Yes, you understand it correctly.

I already tested using the sensor entity (sensor.kitchen_thermometer_kitchen_outdoor_temperature) in footer graph instead of config.entity and I did not work for me

Suggest you to post the SHORT version of a card with a footer/header and card-mod you were testing and failed.
P.S. A familiar face, from Sicario?

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Probably was to tired yesterday and made some mistake, now in the morning when i tested again with (ā€˜sensor.kitchen_thermometer_kitchen_outdoor_temperatureā€™) instead of (config.entity) it works. Thanks for the help! :pray:

Yes you are correct Sir!

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Hoping someone might be able to explain where I am going wrong here, Iā€™ve tried using multiple examples from various people and sources to work out how to write the syntax, I got it working once without an if condition thinking Iā€™ll start with getting it working.

But then it broke and I canā€™t even get the basic syntax to work, based on what Iā€™ve read, the below ā€˜shouldā€™ be correct but it doesnā€™t animate in anyway shape or form.

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
entity: binary_sensor.dishwasher_door_contact
primary: Dishwasher
secondary: |-
  {% if is_state('binary_sensor.dishwasher_door_contact', 'on') %}
  Not Running
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}
icon: mdi:dishwasher
icon_color: |-
  {% if is_state('binary_sensor.dishwasher_door_contact', 'on') %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}
    mushroom-shape-icon$: |
      ha-icon {
        {% if is_state('binary_sensor.dishwasher_door_contact', 'off')  %}
          --icon-animation: bounce 1.5s ease-in-out infinite, wash 1s ease-in-out infinite;
          transform-origin: 50% 75%;
        {% else %}
            --icon-animation: none;
        {% endif %}
      @keyframes bounce {
        0%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 100% {transform: translateY(0); } 
        40% { transform: translateY(-1.2px) rotate(5deg); } 
        60% { transform: translateY(-1.1px) rotate(-4deg); } 
      @keyframes wash {
        50%  { clip-path: polygon(0 0, 0 100%, 35% 100%, 36% 74%, 31% 43%, 61% 40%, 71% 69%, 62% 78%, 36% 73%, 35% 100%, 100% 100%, 100% 0); }
  grid_columns: 2
  grid_rows: 1

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

did anyone already try to card-mod the markdown alert classes?

I gave it a shot, to auto format those based on the state of a sensor, and thought Iā€™d share it here

this is the working and utterly simple markdown:

            content: >
#                     <ha-alert alert-type="success">{{states(config.entity)}}</ha-alert>

and in comment the formatting with the alert-type, which also works fine like that

now set a template with:

              {% set level = states(config.entity) %}
              {% set color =
                 'Hoog':'error','Zeer Hoog':'error'} %}
              {% set alert_type = color.get(level,'info') %}

and use that in the styling of the content:

            content: >
              {% set level = states(config.entity) %}
              {% set color =
                 'Hoog':'error','Zeer Hoog':'error'} %}
              {% set alert_type = color.get(level,'info') %}
               <ha-alert alert-type={{alert_type}}>{{states(config.entity)}}</ha-alert>

and lo and behold my attempt to mimic this source websiteā€™s design:

I use a rather hidden unknown to me feature on the markdown card (only yesterday I learned we can make up any key in the config, and use that in the content), and with that I fake an entity so I can duplicate the config easily and not have to redo all the typing for all individual entities:

Full card
type: custom:mod-card
  style: |
    ha-card {
      background: url('/local/season/pollen.jpg');
      background-size: cover;
  type: vertical-stack
    - type: heading
      heading: Pollen in de lucht
      heading_style: title
        class: class-section-heading-no-color
        style: |
          ha-card .container {
            background: transparent;
            --ha-heading-card-title-color: var(--primary-color) !important;

        action: url
        url_path: https://www.kleenex.nl/pollenradar
    - type: horizontal-stack
        - entity: sensor.pollen_onkruid
          name: Onkruid
          <<: &card
            type: tile
            vertical: true
              action: more-info
              style: |
                {% set level = states(config.entity + '_concentratie') %}
                {% set color =
                   'Hoog':'darkorange','Zeer Hoog':'var(--alert-color)'} %}
                {% set level_color = color.get(level,'gray') %}

                ha-card {
                  background: transparent;
                  --primary-text-color: var(--primary-color);

                .icon-container {
                  border-radius: 24px;
                  background: radial-gradient(var(--card-background-color) 60%,transparent calc(60% + 1px)),
                  conic-gradient({{level_color}} {{states(config.entity)}}% 0%,
                  var(--card-background-color) 0% 100%);
                ha-tile-icon {
                  --tile-color: {{level_color}};
        - entity: sensor.pollen_gras
          name: Gras
          <<: *card

        - entity: sensor.pollen_bomen
          name: Bomen
          <<: *card
    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: markdown
          # entity is a fake key, used to allow config templates in the content
          entity: sensor.pollen_onkruid_concentratie
          <<: &md
              style: |
                ha-card {
                  background: rgb(128,193,177,0.9);
                    {% set level = states(config.entity) %}
                    {% set color =
                       'Hoog':'darkorange','Zeer Hoog':'maroon'} %}
                    {% set level_color = color.get(level,'gray') %}
                  font-weight: 800;
                  text-align: center;
            content: >
              {% set level = states(config.entity) %}
              {% set color =
                 'Hoog':'error','Zeer Hoog':'error'} %}
              {% set alert_type = color.get(level,'info') %}
               <ha-alert alert-type={{alert_type}}>{{states(config.entity)}}</ha-alert>
        - type: markdown
          entity: sensor.pollen_gras_concentratie
          <<: *md
        - type: markdown
          entity: sensor.pollen_bomen_concentratie
          <<: *md
    - type: horizontal-stack
      cards: []

o dear. I now realize this isnt even a card-mod thingy, but plain core Jinja evaluation in Markdownā€¦
my pardon for that
(and thereā€™s enough card-mod related stuff in it so I donā€™t feel to badā€¦)