Card-mod: get rid off borders for mushroom:template-card

Hi everybody,

I cannot seem to figure out how to modify mushroom:template-card with card-mod. Below is my card.

I would like to get rid of every single border around the individual cards; the card itself is a vertical-stack, then each row is a horizontal-stack, then inside are individual template-cards.

Using inspect in my browser did not help. I believe the ID of each template-card is container, but what do I have to put in order to make the border invisible (if container even is the correct css selector)?

Thank you in advance for your help :slight_smile:

You can use this code

 style: |
  ha-card {
   border: none;

Example Card

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Hello, {{user}}
secondary: How are you?
icon: mdi:home
 style: |
  ha-card {
   border: none;

There are two main Mushroom threads with plenty of examples here and here

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Yes! Thank you :slight_smile: