CarPlay Support

did you see the screenshot of the upcoming version shared by bgoncal?
With the new ‘actions’ layout that will come, I think already a lot will be resolved as you’d be able to have fine-grained control on what actions you’d like to list.

1st of all, thx for the 1st test version. :slight_smile:
So far, I can do something and as @maxym said greaaat improvement (compared to nothing, hahaha).

I did some tests and it is working, but it is very slow. If I click an action to turn on the light, it last 2-3 seconds and you dont know if it was successful or not.

if you are missing something, check the buttons on the top right

Locking forward to test the next version. :slight_smile:

Btw this is my 1st Testflight App.
How does it work with the updates ?
Are they available in the App Store or in the TestFlight App ?

I have to say I experienced no delays. At least significant/visible. The only “delay” comes from the touchscreen in my car which is not as sensible as in the iPhone. But otherwise, I can turn a light and its state changes almost immediately, affecting color of the light icon.
Not the best color though since it’s blue over dark background - I suppose it’s due to CarPlay night mode which doesn’t play well with the new ver of HA yet.

Asking for feedback: With iOS Actions displayed in CarPlay, would “Favorites” feature still be necessary? What do you think?

First of all, we appreciate the developers for their work. I have tested the integration on an Audi A3 without a touch screen (everything is handled with the typical Audi dial), and it is not usable; the blue selection moves randomly.

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For me it would be a nice addition. In the car I typically only need the garage doors. With the company where we run HA we have three different garage doors next to another. Its would be the first carplay app to support this. I would probably only use the garage doors as favorites and all other option only when the car is parked…

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I’ve had a play, definately usable, but similar to how I have HomeKit setup, I only really want 4 - 5 devices in CarPlay, just to make life arriving home a bit simpler.

I was thinking it was for a bad connection cable. Happy to hear other people are experiencing same issue.

Just like someone is going up and down randomly.

Having the same issue as others with the blue highlighted section flickering erratically. 2019 Acura RDX without a touch screen. Completely unusable at the moment. Looking forward to being able to use HA in car

Wow, Thanks for creating this carplay version. I have set it up and see indeed MyHOME as it start HA on carplay.
What screen/dashboard does it use to build the start page or is it created by itself?

I’m aware of the issue, fix coming soon, thanks for reporting

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It’s a work in progress, this basic version was introduced with the help of the company DXSpark.

I’m working on some improvements now for it.


I second that - opening the garage door is the most important CarPlay feature for me, and I’m assuming for many others. Having a quick way to do that without navigation would be amazing.

Looks like it won’t happen then. It is very rare for apple to loosen their requirements, it seems they only do it when the government sets in or new laws are set.

You can already open garage doors (and front doors with a fix) already from the CarPlay dashboard.

Any cover in HA that you expose to HomeKit will appear on the ‘home’ page as you approach home. Bellow is an image of my front door that I templated in HA to a cover and when I arrive home it appears on the home page and I just tap to open

You can see from the image that HomeKit thinks it is a garage door, but it is my Yale Conexis :slight_smile:

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That wat I did. But it only supports one door… and we have multiple at our facility. Hence the joy for the upcoming Home Assistant CarPlay support! :slight_smile:

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But does it work even if you don’t have an apple hub like apple tv home pod?

Because I if I’m not under the same wifi it doesn’t work

I couldn’t find ‘Home Alarm’ states in the full list. While this might be rather useful as many automations depend of it for me.
Maybe something that can also still be added?

I dont think it will - This isn’t a CarPlay restriction but a HomeKit one.

That’s what I’m doing today, but it’s the only reason I’m using the homekit bridge integration. Native CarPlay support would drop that requirement.