tl;dr: I want to catch the trigger-events from the Tradfri motion sensor and only pass some of them to turn on the lights.
So far i failed to catch the events and need a good idea there…
Long version:
I have a bigger amount of Tradfri devices, which all works fine so far.
The only thing which i can’t get to work as i want to is the motion sensor. Its not triggering the lights the way i want.
- the shortest time to put the lights on it 1 minute. I want this to be variable, depending on time of day [optional]
- when i put on the lights my remote and the motion sensor triggers, the lights turn off after 1 minute. This is what annoys me the most, cause i want the lights to turn off automaticly only if they were triggered on by the motion sensor. So putting lights on manually should overwrite the motion sensor settings until i put them off manually again.
- motion sensor should only work, when sun is set but before midnight, as my cats are triggering the lights all the night long ^^
My first try was installing a third party system (as HA) first, which should manage the lights and sensors. This does not work, because the motion sensor communicates with the lights directly and you cannot manage the events as a “man in the middle” system.
So my seconds try was to unpair the lights and the motion sensor. But therefore you cannot catch the trigger-event from the motion sensor. Only the battery state. Someone said to pair only one light with the sensor and take the state of the light as a trigger. But this would mean, there is still on light with the behavior i don’t want.
Lets go on … Next try: get a zigbee module for my RPi and pair the motion sensor with the deConz system. Then let the sensor trigger all the time, like it did before, but forward only the trigger-events, which i want to put the lights on. This didn’t work, as deConz was disconnecting the sensor itself several times.
Well, my next try is about creating a “virtual light”, which should be paired with Tradfri gateway (i don’t even know, whether this is possible) and then being triggered by the motion sensor. The state of the virtual light should then be my trigger-even which i would work with to get the lights on and off.
Have someone tried such already and can give me some hints?