Certificate Expiration

This blueprint will check the selected certificate used by the integration cert_expiry when it is going to be expired. If it expires before the selected period, it will send a notification to the selected mobile device. It will run everyday at the selected time.

Get started

Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021.3 or higher)

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic URL:

  name: Certificate Expiration
  description: 'This automation blueprint notifies when a SSL certificate is about to expire'
  domain: automation
      name: Certificate
      description: The certificate timestamp
          integration: cert_expiry
      name: Days before
      description: Set how many days before expiration it should start sending notifications
      default: 5
          min: 0
          max: 100
          unit_of_measurement: days
          mode: slider
          step: 1
      name: Time
      description: What time of the day it should check and send the notification?
      default: '15:00'
      name: Device to notify
      description: Device needs to run the official Home Assistant app to receive
          integration: mobile_app
      name: Message
      description: Select the message to send to the app. You can use {{expire_days_var}} for the remaining days.
      default: "SSL cert is due to expire in {{ expire_days_var }} days"
  platform: time
  at: !input 'time_input'
  notify_device: !input 'notify_device'
  days_var: !input 'days_input'
  certificate_var: !input 'certificate_input'
  expire_days_var: '{{ ((as_timestamp(states(certificate_var)) - as_timestamp(now())) / 60 / 60 / 24 ) | int }}'
  condition: template
  value_template: "{{ expire_days_var < days_var }}"
- device_id: !input 'notify_device'
  domain: mobile_app
  type: notify
  title: 'SSL Certificate Expiration'
  message: !input 'device_message'
- event: ssl_certifcate_expiration
    entity: !input 'certificate_input'
    daysleft: '{{ expire_days_var }}'

Nice! how do I import this blueprint?

You have to import it into your home assistant instance by going to configuration -> Blueprints and click on the import blueprint. At the pop up dialog you write the url of this page.

Awesome thanks! I have one other question, how could I add multiple certificates to my home assistant as entities so this blueprint can work in a automation?

The way I programmed it, it doesnā€™t support multiple certificates, so you need to create an automation for each certificate you want to check.

Thanks for this, itā€™s actually the first blueprint Iā€™ve imported :yum:

Any chance of adding a repeat alert, just in case it gets missed or swiped away, say once a day (or customisable?)?

Thanks again :slightly_smiling_face:

I am so honored that your first blueprint is mine! :smiley:

This is repeatable, so once the limit of days has been reached, it will start sending everyday at the specified time.

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Iā€™m kinda new to Home Assistant, but not new to scripting in general, but this is just a time saver; why re-invent the wheel when thereā€™s a perfectly good one here :wink: :grinning:

Thanks for the info, my cert runs out in a few weeks, so I look forward to being plagued until I pull my finger out to update it :rofl:

Excellent! Now how do I modify your blueprint so that the action triggered is to restart my lets encrypt add-on instead of sending a notification to my mobile?


I modified the blueprint so that it can support custom actions. I havenā€™t tried it, so let me know if you got any problems.

Edit or create a new blueprint. Mine is located at this path:

  name: Certificate Expiration
  description: 'This automation blueprint notifies when a SSL certificate is about to expire'
  domain: automation
      name: Certificate
      description: The certificate timestamp
          integration: cert_expiry
      name: Days before
      description: Set how many days before expiration it should start sending notifications
      default: 5
          min: 0
          max: 100
          unit_of_measurement: days
          mode: slider
          step: 1
      name: Time
      description: What time of the day it should check and send the notification?
      default: '15:00'
      name: Action
      description: What should be done, when the timer expires?
  platform: time
  at: !input 'time_input'
  days_var: !input 'days_input'
  certificate_var: !input 'certificate_input'
  expire_days_var: '{{ ((as_timestamp(states(certificate_var)) - as_timestamp(now())) / 60 / 60 / 24 ) | int }}'
  condition: template
  value_template: "{{ expire_days_var < days_var }}"
- choose:
  default:  !input 'target_action'

Many many thanks!!!

I just had to remove this and itā€™s working, no more manual renewal for me. :slight_smile:

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Two feature requests:

  1. Offer option to set an individual notification service (e. g. selecting a device/notification group like ā€˜notify.allā€™ to notify more than one device)
  2. Add Certificate Name to notification message (title or message). Currently the message only says ā€œSSL Certificate Expiration - SSL cert is due to expire in XX daysā€. Well, what if I monitor more than one certificate? Which one is going to expire? The current message wonĀ“t tell.

Besides that: GREAT blueprint! Makes things easier :slight_smile:

Interestingly, the integration fails on aliases.

Thank you for the input. Iā€™ve updated the topic to send the friendly name of the certificate to the app.
As for your first request, I donā€™t think that I will be able to make it work because of how limited the blueprints are. You could take a look on the blueprint Iā€™ve added at my previous post above.

I am not sure what you mean by that, but I think that you are talking about the 1st feature request of @e-raser. Let me know if youā€™ve got another problem.

Final note

If blueprints allow actions to be empty, I will update the blueprint so that you wonā€™t be limited to the mobile app notification. :nerd_face:

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No, what I mean is that when you generate a Letā€™s Encrypt certificate, you can add any number of aliases (valid DNS domain names) to it and one and the same certificate can be used to serve all of them. But the HA integration fails if you specify one of the aliases.

Message text now contains ā€œSSL cert Cert Expiry Timestampā€. Maybe make the text configurable so users can set their own text (fix bugs, use own language etc) :slight_smile:

I am not sure how to fix thisā€¦

I really liked your idea, so I updated the first topic with the option to add a custom text.


This blueprint will trigger an event ssl_certifcate_expiration which can be used on another automation to extend the functionality like so:

alias: New event from SSL Certificate Blueprint
  - platform: event
    event_type: ssl_certifcate_expiration
  - service: persistent_notification.create
      title: '{{ trigger.event.data.entity }}'
      message: 'Days left: {{ trigger.event.data.daysleft }}'
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nevermind me, nothing to see here. move along
#edit. Iā€™m dumb and fixed it

Hello @bkbilly

thanks a lot for sharing this blueprint. It is also my first blueprint to use :slight_smile:

I tried to import it using the button and I ended up with the original version that is hardcoded to send a notification to the companion app. As I needed another notification mechanism and I could not get the updated version you posted later imported via the Home Assistant web interface I have created a public gist with the updated version here:

Just in case others want to import that version, they can the just import the URL that is displayed above. Iā€™ve added an attribution to you in the name of the blueprint.