Change device_class of cover

I’m trying to override the device class of cover so that it displays like sideways opening and close as up down arrows are confusing
going through the documentation in here Cover - Home Assistant
and Change UI Controls for Curtains
it depends on the device_class. Cover is supported by device class but I tried

type: entities
  - entity: cover.slave_chain_actuator_230vac
    device_class: awning

and it has not worked

Any help, why its not working ???

That is not where you add the device class.

You may be able to do it with the GUI, or you may have to edit your configuration.yaml file.

How was the cover added to home assistant?

For the GUI method it is as simple as clicking on the entity on the dashboard, opening the settings tab in the pop-up and changing the “Show As” option.

For the yaml method (less preferable) see my last post about this here: Create a template sensor failed - #10 by tom_l

I tried the GUI method but could not find ‘Show As’ option see below:

I also tried in the customize.yaml but it shows an error:

Its a Z-wave window chain controller
mine is a 230v version. It is added via RaZberry pi board on the Rasperberry pi GPIO RaZberry 7

Close the card editor.

Click this:


Select the Settings tab in the pop-up.

Change the “Show As”.

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I forgot to mention that it was coming from my HA slave instance and that is why I was not seeing this option:

I went into my slave instance and bingo! it was there and I changed it and it updated the master instance straight away :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help :slight_smile: