Change UI Controls for Curtains

I have some curtains I set up a while back. They work very well but the UI controls are pretty terrible. They display as up and down arrows while the curtains in reality are center opening (2-way draw) so pull to center (collapse / close) and spread apart (expand / open). I can never remember which direction does what. I’d like to display it with different control icons, something like this:


This specific device is mqtt, so I’m using the MQTT cover component. I’ve poked around google and reddit a bit and came up with others who have had similar questions but no clear direction/solution. Is there an easy way to do this or am I better off spending my time on something else? :slight_smile:


I don’t know if you already had changed something. If you change the device_class to awning, door or gate, you get exactly what you want.


Thank you @WilbertV! I didn’t expect it to be that easy!!


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Thank you! I found this topic when I was looking for the same solution. Was looking at the core code today to check if I could make the change myself when I saw YOUR proposed icons in the code! Thank you!

Where did you find the source code? I’m always looking for how to identify all the options and stuff…

i’d found them here:

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