May 1, 2019, 6:36am
Hi All,
Can you change status of switch, input boolean, text device using a http link?
In Domoticz you can send commands using API. I use this lot of time and want do this as well in HA… when I want change from Domoticz to HA for me a important thing.
Can someone assist me?
Thats what you’re looking for I guess
~~https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/en/external_api_rest.html#post-api-services-lt-domain-lt-service~~ q12021 dead link updated link:
REST API | Home Assistant Developer Docs
edit 2021
web-hooks should work out too, but it is not as mighty, this can be either good or bad.
Automation Trigger - Home Assistant
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Thanks for offering some guidance, but I’m not familiar with using GitHub and don’t really have the bandwidth to learn another source code control system at the moment. I was (perhaps naively) expecting the process of submitting an example to be a little simpler, but I do understand the reasoning behind it.
I have mocked up a valid RestAPICallExample.tsk.xml attached below with the description export blockquoted in case it is of use: .
RestAPICallExample.tsk.xml (1.6 KB)
RestAPICallExample (3…
The next thing you could set up is a webhook (never used it - so no info from my side)
but keep in mind that you want to keep your setup secure