Changing states of text_input from a script

Is it now working for you? still not for me but I also have not seen it mentioned in the release notes yet so i figured maybe it isn’t ‘released’

No not yet - I guess it will be in next week’s release now

Fixed in 2022.5

i still have this issue on 2023.1.1. i cannot set state to input text to empty value via call service in automation.

It works for me still (currently on 2023.01.1) since it was fixed.

Can you share your automation code?

this is my automation code:

alias: parola_auto
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - input_text.test
    to: "76691"
condition: []
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 5
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: input_text.set_value
    data: {}
      entity_id: input_text.test
mode: single

Nevermind, i figured it out :slight_smile: as i did several tests on the definition of the input text helper, i left it with a defined min value of -1 which was not ok. under the data i added value : ‘’ and now it works.
thank You for the support.

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You still need to provide a value under the data: key, just as an empty string ("" or ''):

- service: input_text.set_value
    value: ""
    entity_id: input_text.test

To be honest, I don’t know what this looks like when editing automations through the UI as I write mine directly in YAML. But the goal would be to get your YAML looking like the above.

EDIT: our replies crossed, but good to see you got there anyway

the UI does not seem to add the value or i am doing something wrong, so i added a value in the UI config, checked then the yaml config, and figured it out from there. :slight_smile: