Changing Tuya light to colour mode in scripts


I have a Tuya controlled light which I am having a problem with. I can set it to white mode but at certain times I wish to change it to deliver colour. I can use Home Assistant to change between White mode and Color mode if accessing the device on the entity screen but I cannot seem to get it to switch to colour using a script. A copy of the script is shown below:

  alias: Bathroom Purple
  - service: light.turn_on
      color_name: purple
      effect: color_mode
      entity_id: light.bathroom_light
  mode: single

Any luck on this one? I’m needing the same thing.

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I have worked out the easiest way if you are using the Tuya Cloud is turn the light on and set the colour to the required colour. Then run another action a second or two later setting the brightness. Apart from that, I am moving to Sonoff lights where I can. I still have not worked out how to set up Tuya local and I just don’t have the time to experiment, due to my job.