Cheap Light Switch

Yeah, for sure. They aren’t great but they work (mostly), and cost a dollar so its still pretty nice.

Ah, just looked and I only see $3.99

Sorry, there was like 10 selling for $0.99 when I bought mine a few weeks ago. Will probably happen again I’d think.

I’ll make sure and check for them any time I order from Amazon. Would make a nice add on just to tinker with.

Not sure if you have “prime day” in USA?
In the UK last prime day Amazon ran a promotion for any dash button for £1.
Maybe set up a camelcamelcamel price watch?

I.e. I can see on this one that sometime in julyt last year they were on $1 promotion:

Maybe be wary of 2nd hand dash as you never know how many presses they have already had.
Since the battery is non-replaceable you might find they have a lower life expectancy.

For a $1 who cares :slight_smile:

I had assumed they just had some for $1 as normal since I bought quite a few a couple weeks ago, there wasn’t any special sales. But yeah there is prime day in the US too.

I’m facing the same problem with choosing the right switch with feedback.
The sonoff touch seems like a very good candidate (maybe the only one :grimacing: :smirk:)

Do you mean, that sometimes the switch doesn’t toggle from the first touch ?
Is it hard to hit pricesly the touch circle ? (it’s too small, maybe no sensetive enough ?)

It’s almost a month since you installed it (I guess), how whould you describe your experience with it ? (pros/cons ?)

To keep it short:
Livolo Switches --> Perfect recognition, but no feedback to HA.
SonOff Switches --> Bad recognition. Very cheap. Very easy to modify due to ESP8266 logic board.

With bad recognition I mean with my switches it’s not enough just to touch them. You need a bit pressure that they will work. With the Livolos you need just to touch them.

You don’t need to hit the circle precisely. You just need to touch it. Just put your whole hand on the switch and it will work.

As a resume I would say they are ok if you are just using them in cases when your automation is not working they are OK. If you don’t use automation (no motion sensors, etc.) and you put your lights on manually everytime I think it’s very annoying.

Do Livolo switches use different RF codes for On/Off ?
If the switch (lights) is On and HA sends command switch->“turn On”, will the switch stay in On state, or will it toggle (turn Off) ?

If you turn them on manually every time, why waste your money on remote switches?

Do Livolo switches use different RF codes for On/Off ?
If the switch (lights) is On and HA sends command switch->“turn On”, will the switch stay in On state, or will it toggle (turn Off) ?

They have a “All-Off” command and a toggle command. Take a look here:

To be honest for me that didn’t work reliable at all, but maybe it was due to my RF sender or a software issue. I switched to SonOff switches, because in my use-case it doesn’t make sense without feedback channel. (See my other answers in this thread)

If you turn them on manually every time, why waste your money on remote switches?

Absolutely right :slight_smile: As I mentioned I would not use SonOff switches if you want to use the switch more manually as by automation. In my case I can live with them, because I only need the hardware switch from time to time if my automation is not covering the situation.

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Yesterday I just realized that in most automation cases there’s no need in any feedback for a wall switch.
Since the lights are turned on/off according to different inputs (motion, time/sunset, light level), so in case the switch state is not one of those inputs - it’s feedback is not really needed
(If the switch is manually turned on and according to the automation rule the lights should be also turned on (according to a motion sensor) - the lights will remain on)

Am I right or I’m missing something ?

I have one of these - it goes behind the hardware switchboard and automates 5 switches including a dimmer at about $40.
Connects to local wifi network, works on http and has got physical switch feedback, easy to integrate to hass.

You’re right, but I don’t if in HomeAssistant I don’t see the right state of the lamp

Hi @ReneTode did you tested this Z-Wave switch?
How many contacts it has?
I’m looking a cheap zwave switch for blinds automations to command by voice with Alexa.
Could it be a right solution?

no i got no zwave.