Cheap solution for Alarm Sirens with battery backup

hehe bad boys love it!

Looking good :grinning:

Are you able to export your nodered code and paste below your flow.

Updated with the Nodered flow. :+1:t4:

Anyone ever succeed in reproducing the tamper switch mod to the J008 siren?

Mine works great!
But I’ve since upgraded to the SJ1 Solar siren, which has the tamper switch already.

I read that the SJ1 light flashes 24/7 is that correct?

Hi. Having been through your posts on this thread, I find them to be exactly identical to what I experienced while trying to setup the J008 and F8 today, except that I have not been able to trigger the PANIC alarm yet. When you say that you “give 3.3V to the cables”, did you mean that you connect BOTH cables to 3.3V? or just one cable and the other is connected to ground? I’m a little hesitant to do this because I noticed that the battery on the F8 is 12V, and I do not want to ruin the Pi by connecting it wrong.

Thank you so much in advance!

Just like a battery had positive and negative, you’ll have to connect the transmitter to positive and negative too. :+1:t4:

Thank you for the quick response! :slight_smile: That’s where I am having trouble. Connecting one wire to 3.3V, and the other to GND, I expected that it would trigger the alarm (or at least make some noise), but it didn’t for me :cry:

Does the F8 battery have to be in there or should I remove it first? Thank you again!

The battery still has to be in there.
All you’re using the GPIO pins is to replicate what the original alarm would do to trigger the F8 Transmitter.

Have you paired the transmitter to the siren?

Yes, the transmitter and the siren is paired. Pressing the white button of the F8 will make the siren beep a couple of times (I’m guessing that’s the ARMING or DISARMING noise). To test the setup, I connected the + wire of F8 to 3.3V pin on the Pi and the - wire to GND, which I expected that it would trigger the siren, however, the siren remained quiet. I guess I will just proceed to connect the + wire to a GPIO pin (say pin 11 ~ GPIO17) and the - wire to GND and see if I could use the GPIO module to trigger it.

@onkytonk So, I just wired it to the GPIO and as mentioned, and now it’s working perfectly. Thank you very much again! :smiley:

Can anyone help me with this?

I have been trying again and again, and I cannot find the right solution. My config:

  • Kerui J008 Siren
  • Kerui 4 button keyfog
  • Sonoff RF bridge (modified)
  • ESPHome

I used the keyfog to learn the codes for 4 buttons with RF bridge.

This is the key part of ESPHome config file for the Sonoff RF bridge:

  - platform: template
    name: "Disarmed"
        code: '011111110010110010010010'
        protocol: 1
        repeat: 25
  pin: 5
  carrier_duty_percent: 100%

That creates a switch in HA, and for the switch I have created an automation that send the learnt codes, but they are not working properly. If I push the automation button 2-3 times the command sometimes react and beeps one time, not in the same way as if I use the button from keyfog.

I have been trying with specific options for rc_switch instead defined protocol, but it does not work.

Any idea or similar integration?

don’t forget that your switch is just that, a switch, not a push button.
If you send the command once, the switch will now have the status of the command that was sent. if you send the command again, nothing will happen as the switch already has the status.
you need to turn the switch off before you can switch it on again
if that helps this is my switch definition (the ones called Kerui)

and my alarm automation.
Line 95 triggers the alarm
Line 356 turns it off

Thanks for your reply. I’m using an automation for that switch. I was referring to the button of the automation. I’ve updated my post.

I have been reviewing your configuration but you are using a different RF hub and I guess there is my problem.

Is there a reason why you chose 433 MHz and not zigbee? I already have a zigbee stick on my raspberry and thinking what king of technology to choose for my alarm system. I use zigbee because of my door and motion sensors.
Thank you!

Product availability and price, there are tons of 433 MHz external alarms with battery backups. I’ve personally not seen any Zigbee ones. There are Z-wave ones but they cost a lot and generally aren’t available in the UK

I use zigbee door sensors but 433 MHz sirens. That’s the beauty of HomeAssistant.

I second this. got a few 433MHZ sensors, some zigbee, some wifi, some zwave. Bought 433MHz siren because it was cheaper and I already had a transceiver.

Has anyone else purchased the SJ1 solar siren?

I’ve been trying to get it working the Sonoff RFBrifge, running Tasmota.

However, seems like the RFsync, RFlow and RFhigh codes keep changing. I can’t get it to consistently trigger.

Anyone have any ideas/experience?

Hi Joseph,

I have a generic 433MHz control to test with, so I’ve paired that one and then played with tasmota to send different ranges in codes. This is the outcome

Control code 0x*****2**

2-Beeps 0x*****2**
Volume Set 0x*****3**
1-Beep 0x*****4**
Volume Set 0x*****1**
Panic 0x*****8**
2-Beeps 0x*****C**

The command syntax is RfSend 0x*****2**, 32, 1

I’ve used NodeMCU ESP8266 12-E, RXB6 receiver, FS1000A transmitter, USE_RC_SWITCH library, and uploaded tasmota with arduino


probably because of 433 RF Rolling code. Same as a garage remote RF controller. The rolling code makes sure any intercepted code is useless.