LED should be WS2812B, but has bluetooth usb driver.
Was anybody successful in integrating those?
I already tried ELKBLEDOM (which is working for other led strip)
Also tried BLE LED integration
But there I only get “No devices found on the network”
When I tried hcitool scan scan from Raspberry 4 I was not able to find the device, but I could connect via gatttool using mac adress of lights.
hcitool lescan is failing for me with Set scan parameters failed: Operation not permitted
But using bluetoothctl scan on I can see the device .
Name of the device using above command ISP-3C57F3
At first, I would like to be able to integrate those in HA in any way, but this Bluetooth strip is invidually controlable, which would be nice to have in HA but I did not find anything yet similar to above mentioned Android app or Twinkly app.
I bought an iDeal led strip a while ago, and couldn’t find any integration, either.
I hacked one (i.e. reversed-engineered the android app) allowing me to switch on/off, which is all I wanted.
If it can help (absolutely zero support, but I just checked and it still works ):
Thank you very much, looks like it is working also for me.
I will also have a deeper look at your repo. Do you think it would be even possible to somehow control every LED individually using your repo as a base (Not wanting it from you, just if you think it is possible or not, so if I should look elsewhere or can start with your repo)?
Just created this account to thank you for creating such a great component.
Unfortunately, my server is far from the LED strip so I was thinking of using the from the ble_client.ble_write Action from ESPHome ble client.
Unfortunately, I am not sure how should I populate the following attributes:
service_uuid: 0xFFF0?
characteristic_uuid: d44bc439-abfd-45a2-b575-925416129600?
value: 84dd5042374150897ac82f39110968a8 to turn on and 79d1dba40919c246a8580ae7d11b7884 to turn off?
If it helps, this is what I was able to get using nRF Connect
I have set a ESPHome bluetooth proxy as you mention and I’m still unable to mamke it work, but now the issue seems different.
I included a ble_rssi sensor in the proxy and I’m getting a -80 RSSI so proxy seems to work.
However, when adding the custom component, I get a blank pop-up and, if I click send, get an “Unknown error occured” message.
Moreover, I also tried @anon63427907 generic BT custom integration but the device does not appear in the configuration pop up neither…
That is the reason why I though about usingble_client as I have an esp32 just besides the LEF strip