Circadian Lighting [Custom Component]

Yes, create 2 switches, one for each light, and then set the brightness range (min - max) for each light to your liking.

were you able to fix this? I’ve also got some shelly dimmers that I’m gonna use and it would be nice to be able to change the brightness of those lights regarding the circadian script.

not yet :frowning: my plans for moving to a new home have been postponed so i will be thinkering with them around june-july

I am having an issue getting this component to work. It is installed through hacs and appears to be working as the sensor is created but it is not impacting my lights. I notice there are no lights showing on my switch…


Here are the relevant entries from my configuration.yaml:

switch: !include switches.yaml

And here is swtiches.yaml

  - platform: circadian_lighting
    name: Circadian CT
      - light.garage_strip_1
      - light.garage_strip_2
      - light.closet_lightstrip
      - light.basement_lights

You need to turn on the switch, it’s off as the default.
I remember this from my first time :slight_smile:

Also, I’d suggest using 💡 Adaptive Lighting Custom Component that automatically adapts the brightness and color of your lights based on the sun's temperature but stops when you manually make a change

That was it :man_facepalming:.

Why do you recommend that other component?

It’s Circadian Lighting v2, it’s a refactor / improvement implementing config_flow (no config via yaml-code needed), and hopefully will be a part of HA Core in the future…

The circadian plugin is not working in 2021.5, will this get updated, or should I move to the mentioned Circadian Lighting v2 ?

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where is circandian Lighting v2?

Adaptive Lighting. Apparently also broken by 2021.5.0

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Yupp, indeed +1 here

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+1 here as well…

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This will definitely be updated as soon as I have time, until then there are a couple pull requests on GitHub that have the changes needed to make it work and anyone can easy make those changes to their local files in their Home Assistant instance.


Circadian Lighting v2 = Adaptive Lighting

Thank you in advance for your effort!

Can’t say I get this one. Installed the repository within HACS, rebooted, confirmed in HACS that Circadian shows as installed, edited HA’s config file with the below data, and rebooted again. Nothing listed in the dashboard even though I named the switch. Nothing happening with the lights. Rebooted a number of other times. Nothing.

# Sunrise Sunset Office Light Settings
  - platform: circadian_lighting
    name: Circadian Lighting
      - light.office_hue_color_1
      - light.office_hue_color_2
      - light.office_hue_color_3

I don’t think this custom component has been fixed since HA 2021.5.x broke it.

I suggest using Adaptive Lighting which is a re-do of this component complete with config flow setup and was fixed for HA 2021.5.x.

That would explain a lot.

I just finished installing Adaptive Lighting. Took me a second to realize I had to manually add the files as it isn’t in HACS lol. It worked immediately. :sunglasses:

It is in HACS… You just need to add the custom repo

It didn’t show up under search at all. I had to download the files and add the directory myself under custom_components.