CLI not starting on new install

Your HA is installed. Unfortunately, you masked the ip. Just type in http://your masked ip:8123 on another computer, and you should see the on-boarding screen.

Thanks a lot! it works

thank you so much for this as it solves the first issue of DNS and connection then i re-flashed my ssd by rpi imager for Home assistant and that git the HA start normally.

As tried install HA 9.4 & 9.3 with no luck. Imaging it straight into Raspberry 2.
Just described message seen and nothing installed into docker.

The reason was this :

  • wrong local time as the image has NTP -setting in /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf,
    which wasn’t responding, and local time was somewhere in year 2022.
    This caused docker image not to load.

Changing own NTP -server puts everything to continue.

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seemed a very simple fix here - Plug in a wired network connection as the setup hadn’t found my wifi dongle

I am having the hardest time installing this operating system, everytime I change the DNS and save! I get the same stupid error code when I reboot… Why is it not saving and why is this so hard :frowning:

This worked for me: Stuck waiting for home assistant cli to be ready · Issue #2272 · home-assistant/operating-system · GitHub

Finally, to solve the problem of the screen being stuck on ‘waiting for the Home Assistant CLI to be ready’, I had to make sure all partitions on the drive were removed. This was necessary because Balena Etcher doesn’t completely wipe the disk. Then, I connected the target disk to an external reader and used Balena Etcher to write the latest Home Assistant OS onto the disk. This solution worked like a charm. I hope this helps