Climate Airconwithme

for everybody finding this topic now. Check this:

Easy setup (though not as easy as the integrations inside HA).
Works like a charm with my Mitsubishi SRK35ZS-W with airconwithme wifi module.


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Ik heb sinds kort kpn, nu moet ik airconwithme opnieuw installeren en kan ik device niet vinden. Weten jullie oplossing?

@Theoietswaard i send you a pm in Dutch :slight_smile:


Can you show your configuration? For me it is working with a SRK50ZS-W but I seem to miss some features compared to you. I see for example no horizontal vane.

  - heat_cool
  - heat
  - dry
  - fan_only
  - cool
  - 'off'
min_temp: 18
max_temp: 30
target_temp_step: 1
  - quiet
  - low
  - medium
  - high
  - 'off'
  - vertical
current_temperature: 21
temperature: 21
fan_mode: quiet
swing_mode: 'off'
outdoor_temp: 26
friendly_name: Woonkamer
icon: 'mdi:water-off'
supported_features: 41

it was removed. it had the value null and I just checked, itā€™s not there any more. I have the same options as you have.

It seems like with the new version of the Airconwithme app that the API version has also been updated. As far as I can see they are using now 1.8.1 for the ā€œversionā€ parameter. As far as I can see everything still works while using 1.8.1 instead of 1.6.2 but I will do some more testing.

I donā€™t know what the exact differences are between 1.6.2 and 1.8.1. Did you ever do a comparison between 1.6.2 (Airconwithme) and 1.8.5 (Intesis)?

Iā€™m relatively new to HA (coming from Domoticz).
I have HA in a docker / raspberry pi4. Currently running version 0.117.6.

Last week my airo finally was installed. This airco came with the airconwithme module.
The app is working nicely but not (very) smart.

I stumbled onto this topic.
However I cannot pass the check configuration.

Platform error switch.airconwithme - Integration ā€˜airconwithmeā€™ not found.

What am I doing wrong?



@vvo can you post your YAML lines which you added to integrate your airco?
It should be something like:

  - platform: intesishome
    username: your_username
    password: your_password
    device: airconwithme

The username and password are the same which you use in the intesishome app on your smartphone,
Take note of the spaces (two or four depending on the indent needed for each lline)


@mchangsp was it so easy??

Forgive my ignorance ā€¦HA learning is much steeper than Domoticz.

I didnā€™t put device = airconwithme in the yaml file.

Itā€™s working flawless now :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for the quick reply.
And a shout out for the developer(s).

Hi, so I installed intesishome directory in custom components and modified yaml as instructed with name/pw app. Controls show up and entities show in HA but I can not control the units. What am I overlooking?
Yaml has:

  • platform: intesishome
    username: your_username
    password: your_password
    device: airconwithme

Error: climate/set_hvac_mode service not found

Could you please tell me how you get this to work? I got myself 2 airconwithme modules (Mitshubishi aircoā€™s) and looked at the IntesisHome Integration link you provided. Iā€™ve added the stuff to my configuration.yaml but in the logging I see that it logs that the username and password are incorrect. Since I donā€™t have an Intesis module, but an Airconwithme module I assume it is connecting to the wrong API. BTW Iā€™m running Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi 3+ B, with Home Assistant OSā€¦

Hope you can help me (and potentially others) out!

you only need this in your configuration.yaml file:

- platform: intesishome
  device: airconwithme
  username: !secret intensishome_username
  password: !secret intensishome_password

just use your airconwithme username and password that you also use in the airconwithme app. Use the secrets-file or put the real username and password in the configuration.yaml

edit: perhaps you forgot the device line specifying the link with airconwithme

Actually I already had this:

# Airconwithme
  - platform: intesishome
    username: xxxx
    password: xxxx
    device: airconwithme

I donā€™t know if the order of the device is important?

Iā€™ve reinstalled my Raspberry Pi and redone my complete configuration. Donā€™t know if the order is important but somehow it works now! Thanks a billionā€¦

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Weird! The order shouldnā€™t matter I think. Glad a reinstall worked but I wonder what the real issue wasā€¦

the newest version of the airconwithme firmware has a local http api. so you could access your airconwithme devices without a cloud

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Where can I find documentation on the local API?

I will ask the manufacturer for more information. I currently only have the following


            "getinfo"               : "/js/api/getconfig.json",
            "login"                 : "/js/api/login.json",
            "logout"                : "/js/api/logout.json",
            "update_password"       : "/js/api/update_password.json",
            "getavailabledatapoints": "/js/api/getavailabledatapoints.json",
            "getdatapointvalue"     : "/js/api/getdatapointvalue.json",
            "setdatapointvalue"     : "/js/api/setdatapointvalue.json",
            "getcurrentconfig"      : "/js/api/getcurrentconfig.json",
            "identify"              : "/js/api/identify.json",
            "wpsstart"              : "/js/api/wpsstart.json",
            "getaplist"             : "/js/api/getaplist.json",
            "setdefaults"           : "/js/api/setdefaults.json",
            "setconfig"             : "/js/api/setconfig.json",
            "reboot"                : "/js/api/reboot.json",
            "getavailableservices"  : "/js/api/getavailableservices.json"
            "0":"Undefined error",
            "1":"Login Required.",
            "2":"Write Error",
            "3":"Read Error",
            "4":"Malformed Command",
            "5":"Incorrect User name or password",
            "6":"Current password is incorrect",
            "7":"Out of range",
            "8":"Invalid datapoint",
            "9":"Internal error",
            "10":"General error"
        "deviceModel":"Device Model",
        "fwVersion":"Device Firmware Version",
        "wlanFwVersion":"Wireless Firmware Version",
        "sn":"Serial Number",
        "wlanSTAMAC":"Device Client MAC Address",
        "ssid":"Wireless Network SSID",
        "wlanLNK":"Connection Status with Wireless Network",
        "rssi":"Wireless Signal Strength",
        "wlanAPMAC":"Device Access Point MAC Address",
        "ownSSID":"Device Access Point SSID",
        "tcpServerLNK":"Cloud Server Connection",
        "acStatus":"Air Conditioner Communication Status",
        "lastconfigdatetime":"Last Configuration",
        "localdatetime":"Local Date Time"
        "1":"Indoor Unit Error",
        "2":"Communication Error"
        "0":"No error",
        "1":"Wrong SSID introduced in the last configuration attempt", 
        "2":"Unsuccessful connection with the Access Point or router, check the password or the security mode selected",
        "3":"Wrong IP configuration introduced or Internet connection problem in your network",
        "4":"Your Access Point might be a captive portal. This type of network is not supported",
        "7":"WPS failed. Try it again or configure your device by using the automatic or manual mode"
        "securityType": {
            "3":"Very Good",
            "1": ["On/Off", "TEXT_VALUES_ONOFF", ""],
            "2": ["User Mode", "TEXT_VALUES_MODES", ""],
            "4": ["Fan Speed", "TEXT_VALUES_FANSPEED", ""],
            "5": ["Vane Up/Down Position", "TEXT_VALUES_VANES", ""],
            "6": ["Vane Left/Right Position", "TEXT_VALUES_VANES", ""],
            "9": ["User Setpoint", {}, "Ā°C"],
            "10": ["Return Path Temperature", {}, "Ā°C"],
            "12": ["Remote Disable", "TEXT_VALUES_REMOTE", ""],
            "13": ["On Time", {}, "h"],
            "14": ["Alarm Status", "TEXT_VALUES_ONOFF", ""],
            "15": ["Error Code", {}, ""],
            "34": ["Quiet Mode", "TEXT_VALUES_ONOFF", ""],
            "35": ["Min Temperature Setpoint", {}, "Ā°C"],
            "36": ["Max Temperature Setpoint", {}, "Ā°C"],
            "37": ["Outdoor Temperature", {}, "Ā°C"],
            "60": ["Heat 8/10ĀŗC", "TEXT_VALUES_ONOFF", ""],
            "61": ["cfg Mode Map", {}, ""],
            "62": ["cfg Mode Restrict", {}, ""],
            "63": ["cfg Horizontal Vanes", {}, ""],
            "64": ["cfg Vertical Vanes", {}, ""],
            "65": ["cfg Quiet mode", {}, ""],
            "66": ["cfg Confirmation On/Off", {}, ""],
            "67": ["cfg Fan Map Speed", {}, ""],
            "68": ["Instant Power Consumption", {}, "W"],
            "69": ["Accumulated Power Consumption", {}, "Wh"],
            "181": ["Maintenance time", {}, "h"],
            "182": ["Maintenance config", {}, "h"],
            "183": ["Maintenance Filter time", {}, "h"],
            "184": ["Maintenance Filter config", {}, "h"]
            "TEXT_VALUES_ONOFF": {
            "TEXT_VALUES_MODES": {
            "TEXT_VALUES_FANSPEED": {
                "1":"Speed 1",
                "2":"Speed 2",
                "3":"Speed 3",
                "4":"Speed 4",
                "5":"Speed 5",
                "6":"Speed 6",
                "7":"Speed 7",
                "8":"Speed 8",
                "9":"Speed 9",
                "10":"Speed 10"
            "TEXT_VALUES_VANES": {
                "1":"Position 1",
                "2":"Position 2",
                "3":"Position 3",
                "4":"Position 4",
                "5":"Position 5",
                "6":"Position 6",
                "7":"Position 7",
                "8":"Position 8",
                "9":"Position 9",
            "TEXT_VALUES_REMOTE": {
                "0":"Remote Enabled",
                "1":"Remote Disabled"
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I can see the local web server but canā€™t find any info on the API.

This module does not work for me. It just shows ā€œUnavailableā€ for me. The name of the device is obtained from the API, and I see that there exists a climate.<derived_name> device. So, it works partially, which is useless, because it should be possible to actually control the device remotely.

The order of the fields is not the same in my installation, but that shouldnā€™t matter.