Cloudflare ZeroTrust + Cloudflared Add-On + Companion Apps === Better Security

I actually used the WARP client for a while and was honestly very convenient. I switched to this method because we wanted to have my and other house members’ location tracked via the HA Companion app. To do that via the WARP method, you would need the client installed and running all the time.
With the method I’m using, I whitelist a few IPs and it covers most scenarios (cellular carrier and friends’ WIFI public IPs).
Now the REAL reason I did all this is probably me never being content with my setup and always finding reasons to tinker. :sweat_smile:

Haven’t experimented with HA Companion app tracking me/family yet. Given your goal, I see the appeal to no-WARP, no-VPN while at most of your usual physical locations. Saves battery life, saves data, saves dealing with nuances of always-on WARP/VPN on your phone.