Okay, following some much needed help : -
This version eliminates the use of now().
{{ ((state_attr('input_datetime.cal_date_aniv','timestamp') - states('sensor.date') | as_timestamp) / 86400) | int(0) }}
It helps to reduce overall complexity:
- platform: template
icon_template: "{{ 'mdi:heart' if is_state('binary_sensor.cal_alrt_aniv', 'on') else 'mdi:heart-outline' }}"
value_template: >
{{ ((state_attr('input_datetime.cal_date_aniv','timestamp') - states('sensor.d…
I got into markdown and attributes - Many Thanks
I went back to my monitoring Heat On Times (HOT)
I found that the markdown could display the same information (minus the state indicative icons) as entities card but in just less than half the height
Using Attributes I could drop that by another two thirds
Inserting muliple ‘||||’ lines gives separators : -
But readabilty could be further improved by using colours
Less than half the height of entities card
- type: markdown
title: HOT History - Day
content: |
|{{'<b>Item '}}|{{' - '}}|{{'Value </b>'}}
|{{'<b>' ~ state_attr('sensor.s_hot_heat_status', 'friendly_name') | replace('HOT ', '') ~ '</b>'}}|{{'-'}}|{{ states('sensor.hot_heat_status')}}|
|{{'<b>Last ON / OFF</b>' }}|{{'-'}}|{{ as_timestamp(states('input_datetime.hot_last_on')) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', false) }}{{' - '}}{{ as_timestamp(states('input_datetime.hot_last_off')) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', false)}}|
|{{'<b>Last ON Duration</b>' }}|{{'-'}}|{{ states('sensor.heat_last_on_duration') ~ ' h:m'}}|
|{{'<b>So Far Today</b>' }}|{{'-'}}|{{ states('sensor.hot_day_sofar_h') ~ ' h:m'}}|
|{{'<b>So Far Today</b>' }}|{{'-'}}|{{ states('sensor.hot_day_sofar_p') ~ ' % on'}}|
{% for item in states.sensor | selectattr('object_id', 'match', 'hot_dy_tot_h') -%}
|{{'<b>' ~ item.name | replace('HOT ', '') ~ '</b>' }}|{{'-'}}|{{item.state_with_unit}}|
{% endfor -%}
{% for item in states.sensor | selectattr('object_id', 'match', 'hot_dy_tot_p') -%}
|{{'<b>' ~ item.name | replace('HOT ', '') ~ '</b>'}}|{{'-'}}|{{('%.2f' | format(item.state | float(0))) ~ ' % on'}}|
{% endfor %}
Code for Above
Is about 1/6th the height and MUCH easier to compare values
- type: markdown
title: HOT History - Month
content: |
|{{'<b>Item'}}|{{' - '}}|{{' % Yr-0'}}|{{' % Yr-1'}}|{{' % Yr-2</b>'}}|
|{{'<b>Rng This Mnth</b>'}}|{{'-'}}|{{states('sensor.hot_mth_0_sofar')}}|||
{% for item in states.sensor | selectattr('object_id', 'match', 'hot_mth_y0_tot_') -%}
|{{'<b>' ~ (item.name | replace('HOT ', '') | replace(' This Year', '')) ~ '</b>'}}|{{'-'}}|{{'%.2f' | format(item.state | float(0)) }}|{{'%.2f' | format(item.attributes.yr_1 | float(0))}}|{{'%.2f' | format(item.attributes.yr_2 | float(0))}}|
{% endfor %}
Code for Above
I’ve looked at many posts for markdown colour but none seem to work (has something changed ?)
posts checked : -
With HA 2021.4.x, errors are now being generated for templates that didn’t throw errors before. I am trying to fix this for a markdown card. Originally I didn’t have the if statements
{% if states('sensor.supervisor_updates') != None %}
that I added to try to prevent the error but they aren’t working and I don’t understand why. This is the card:
- type: markdown
title: Updates Available
style: |
:host {
--card-mod-icon-color: #42a5f5;…
Not sure where to put this, card-mod thread or markdown thread so I put it in a new one.
I have a markdown card that has one icon and two different headers. The problem I have is that the icon color gets the same as the background and I cant get it changed.
This is the code, its used as a decluttering-card but I dont think thats the problem.
type: markdown
style: |
ha-card {
box-shadow: none;
padding: 10px 0px;
color: #fff;
trying to create a test sheet, so I can easily identify the color settings for my themes and their respective variable names. Not so evident apparently, because markdown doesn’t show these colors correctly at all?
I’ve started with this, (will add all other theme variables of course once this is working…):
type: custom:hui-element
card_type: markdown
content: >
### Color test sheet for theme:
## {{states('input_select.theme')|capitalize}}
- <font color = var(--background-color-on)> ba…
(not sure how (the one above) this would help anyway, as I’d need to apply to single cells)
Is it possible to get color text in the markdown card?
I thought that markdown could contain HTML so I hoped this would work:
- type: markdown
content: Some Markdown text with <span style="color:blue">some *blue* text</span>.
But it doesn’t
Do I need to use a custom card or is a mod/development on the way ?
1 Like
well, sorry but im nt sure what you want, you post that many links…
but if you want to color individual lines or strings in markdown, thats entirely possible, just not with theme variables like var(–primary-color)
you can do things like:
content: >
<!--- **Overview** -->
<font color = {{state_attr('sensor.family_home','icon_color')}} > - {{state_attr('sensor.home_badge','Home')}} </font>
<font color = {{'darkgreen' if is_state('sensor.hubs_badge','0') else 'maroon'}} > - {{state_attr('sensor.hubs_badge','Hubs')}} </font>
<font color = {{'darkgreen' if is_state('sensor.critical_badge','0') else 'maroon'}}> - {{state_attr('sensor.critical_badge','Critical')}} </font>
<font color = {{'grey' if is_state('sensor.play_badge','0') else 'dodgerblue'}}> - {{state_attr('sensor.play_badge','Play')}} </font>
<font color = {{'grey' if is_state('sensor.lights_badge','0') else '#fbb911'}}> - {{state_attr('sensor.lights_badge','Lights')}} </font>
type: markdown
content: >
{% if states.binary_sensor.weatherbit_alert is defined and is_state('binary_sensor.weatherbit_alert','on') %}
## <font color= dodgerblue> {{state_attr('binary_sensor.weatherbit_alert','city')}}, {{state_attr('binary_sensor.weatherbit_alert','region')}}</font>
## <font color= red> {{state_attr('binary_sensor.weatherbit_alert','title')}}</font>
<font color= dodgerblue> **Description:**</font>
<font color= grey> {% if state_attr('binary_sensor.weatherbit_alert','description') %}
{% else %} No description
{% endif %} </font>
<font color= dodgerblue> **Severity:**</font> <font color= grey> {{state_attr('binary_sensor.weatherbit_alert','severity')}} </font>
<font color= dodgerblue> **Effective:**</font> <font color= grey> {{state_attr('binary_sensor.weatherbit_alert','effective')}} to {{state_attr('binary_sensor.weatherbit_alert','expires')}} </font>
<font color= dodgerblue> [{{state_attr('sensor.weatherbit_weather_alerts','attribution')}}]({{state_attr('binary_sensor.weatherbit_alert','uri')}})</font>
{% else %} Unavailable/Initializing
{% endif %}
does that help?
Thanks for the response
I’m sorry about the many links, new to this wanted to show I had looked
So I tried ‘parts’ of what you gave (not sure what I missed
Code used : -
### Test
- type: markdown
title: Colour Test Card
content: |
|{{'<b>Item'}}|{{' - '}}|{{'<font color=red>Column 1</font>'}}|{{'<font color=blue>Column 2</font>'}}|{{'<font color=green>Column 3</b></font>'}}|
|{{'<b>Item 1</b>'}}|{{'-'}}|{{'<font color=red>Red1</font>'}}|{{'<font color=blue>Blue1</font>'}}|{{'<font color=green>Green1</font>'}}|
|{{'<b>Item 2</b>'}}|{{'-'}}|{{'<font color=red>Red2</font>'}}|{{'<font color=blue>Blue2</font>'}}|{{'<font color=green>Green2</font>'}}|
|{{'<b>Item 3</b>'}}|{{'-'}}|{{'<font color=red>Red3</font>'}}|{{'<font color=blue>Blue3</font>'}}|{{'<font color=green>Green3</font>'}}|
Obtained : -
So nearly there but clearly something not quite right
I checked best I could everything ‘should’ be okay but … not
Hang on; just tried this without colour and got a similar error so I must have messed something up
### Test
- type: markdown
title: Sans Colour Test Card
content: |
|{{'<b>Item'}}|{{' - '}}|{{'Column 1'}}|{{'Column 2'}}|{{'Column 3</b>'}}|
|{{'<b>Item 1</b>'}}|{{'-'}}|{{'Red1'}}|{{'Blue1'}}|{{'Green1'}}|
|{{'<b>Item 2</b>'}}|{{'-'}}|{{'Red2'}}|{{'Blue2'}}|{{'Green2'}}|
|{{'<b>Item 3</b>'}}|{{'-'}}|{{'Red3'}}|{{'Blue3'}}|{{'Green3'}}|
I’ll try to find the mistake … but …
Edit : I still can’t find it but in an actual usage case, I got it to work
It’s a bit garish but I’ll try and find some slightly more subtle colours
Code : -
### HOT History Month
- type: markdown
title: HOT History - Month
content: |
|{{'<b>Item'}}|{{' - '}}|{{' % Yr-0'}}|{{' % Yr-1'}}|{{' % Yr-2</b>'}}|
|{{'<b>Rng This Mnth</b>'}}|{{'-'}}|{{'<font color=orange>' ~ states('sensor.hot_mth_0_sofar') ~ '</font>'}}|||
{% for item in states.sensor | selectattr('object_id', 'match', 'hot_mth_y0_tot_') -%}
|{{'<b>' ~ (item.name | replace('HOT ', '') | replace(' This Year', '')) ~ '</b>'}}|{{'-'}}|{{'<font color=cyan>%.2f' | format(item.state | float(0)) ~ '</font>'}}|{{'<font color=red>%.2f' | format(item.attributes.yr_1 | float(0)) ~ '</font>'}}|{{'<font color=lime>%.2f' | format(item.attributes.yr_2 | float(0)) ~ '</font>'}}|
{% endfor %}
Thanks Marius
Found the mistake
I hadn’t included the justification Header line, i.e. : -
August 27, 2022, 1:58pm
I’m just facing the same problem. WTH a style=“color:…” is parsed out from html passed to markdown card? Do you know why?
As you proved we can use font color
, but it doesn’t work with css variables. It breaks coherency with the rest of the UI.
Are there any other options?
August 28, 2022, 1:47pm
I did check markdown documentation referenced in markdown card docs.
I did use their renderer to check if using additional attributes like “style” is allowed. And you know what? It is:
Why does HA strip those attributes out?
Can anyone answer this question? Markdown card doesn’t mention that at all.
BTW HA markdown card cannot interpret correctly style declaration, since markdown card documentation mentions it in working examples:
h1 {color:red;}
p {color:blue;}
August 29, 2022, 9:27am
I answer myself. It seems others feel hopeless though.
The only way to achieve total freedom in matter of card content is to use Custom Button Card. While it has a button in the name, it must not behave like a button. It’s the most configurable card I know. I know it’s the big cannon but it seems that HA devs strategy is to limit users
Here is my example of using it as a replacement to markdown. The sensor sensor.shelly_status
contains a collection of HTML code for each Shelly device. The HTML is generated in NodeRed based on various sources. I can confirm that the HTML is not filtered - everything you put here is rendered as expected, incl style sheets, inline styles, tables etc.
type: custom:button-card
name: Shelly DW1
show_icon: false
show_name: true
show_state: false
extra_styles: |
a {color:var(--primary-color)}
- grid-template-areas: '"n" "content"'
- grid-template-columns: 1fr
- grid-template-rows: min-content 1fr
- padding: 16px 16px 16px 16px
- font-size: 14px
- font-size: 24px
- font-weight: 400
- padding: 0px 0px 16px 0px
- align-self: start
- place-self: start
- align-self: start
content: >
[[[ return states['sensor.shelly_status']['attributes']['info']['SHDW-1'];
and the result