Combivox Alarm System (Simplya)

Hi community,
I’m asking for information about a possibile integration in HA for Combivox Alarm System.
The platform has a cloud site for management and with the recent updates on the alarm central software, webhooks are going to be managed for sending specific commands.

An integration with the cloud would be great.

Thank you for your attention.


It could be really nice, by the way since 2 days ago all my integrations done with HA/Alexa/combivox are not working


Hi cristian,
in the next Combivox update it will be working with webhook. Let’s see how it will work, usually I don’t use vocal assistants as for alarm system I prefer “touching the commands” instead using the voice

BTW a native integration would be appreciated.

Let’s hope the votes will increase in number.


Where have you read about webhooks? Only thing I know is they have been hacked and they had to reset their cloud

Webhook not from the cloud but from the local gateway Smart Web Plus

I have a combivox alarm too. it would be perfect to integrate it into a home assistant. the only way I have found, having the amica web module, is to create a web page card in the dashboard with the local combivox address…

I’m trying to interface my local web app but it does not work anymore, I used sometimes days ago by the way it’s 8/10 weeks that the web app does not respond. Is it possible to restart the web server?

Do you think the solution of installing a connection module of would work?

I read up on but I having a system with 48 zones, this is not feasible. is there any news?

Hi @reclus23, I did the same but, since HA is exposed to the Internet in HTTPS via NGINX, I also need to forwarded the combivox page via HTTPS, since is not possible to embed HTTP farames inside an HTTPS site.

Here start the problems, if I connect via NGINX using HTTP everything works fine, but when I use HTTPS the initial page is showed correctly, but when I enter the code the page refresh starting from the begin requesting again for code, like I entered a wrong code.

I suspect this is something related on how NGINX pass parameter to the combivox app during login phase, but at the moment I didn’t find a solution.

Are you using HTTP or HTTPS?

Hello everyone,
is there any news on a possible integration of the Combivox system with Home Assistant?

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Hi all,
after a month of testing I confirm you that using the Smart Web Video Plus (3.0) gateway webhooks are working like a charm. With this setup every command is locally managed avoiding passing trough the cloud. I’ll keep you updated.

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Great news,
when you can, it would be very interesting to have more information on how to integrate the Combivox into Home Assistant.

I don’t think I have this Smart Web Video Plus (3.0) gateway in my system even if, by typing the IP address of the control unit, a rudimentary web page opens with no possibility of interaction that still provides some data on the system.

I would like to understand more to be able to evaluate (together with my trusted technician) whether it is worth expanding the alarm control unit with this gateway

you should see clearly the gateway in your setup, since it’s a complementary module of the main alarm central.
If you simply type the IP address on your browser and some informations come up, that means you’re not reaching the gateway we’re talking about considering that a user or technician authentication is required.

The gateway allows you to send or receive webhooks based on states of the sensor or after a command has been activated/disactivated. This means that you can do almost everything you do with the classic Simplya Cloud app, but with HA.
You can even extend the alarm zone by merging the areas controlled by Combivox sensors with the zones controlled by your TVCC cameras (if you got some) via ONVIF.

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Hi @alex.mazza I have combivox, not the 11.935 Smartweb, but 11.931 AmicaWeb Plus, if I go with ip I can somehow get the information by doing some reverse engineering, but I don’t have webhooks at all, in the smartweb are there webhooks exposed?