Community Add-on: Home Assistant Control Panel

Hey Frenck, Will you be updating this add-on with the developers latest improvements? Cheers

Of course!

I’ve already applied the changes on development. Will do a little testing and planning on releasing it today :slight_smile:

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Is there anyway to store this information on the server side? I plan to dedicate that CP install to a single HA instance, and would prefer not having to replicate the setup on all of my devices.

There’s a new config export feature in the latest version. You can export text based JSON data and transfer it to another device, or save it as a backup. Granted it’s not the most elegant solution, but it works.

I guess a server side config could come from HA - by default HACP uses the HA groups and entities, so if you have that configured, all your HACP devices will be the same. Other than that, the export function should negate the need to replicate the setup on each device.

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:tada: Release v1.3.0

This release updates the Home Assistant Control Panel to the latest and greatest version.

Full Changelog


  • Upgrade HACP to the release of 2018-06-12
  • Added control panel statically to add-on

Please note: This is the version without any Google Analytics/Tagmanager, so its free of tracking.

Hi !

This Control Panel is very nice ! I have a question, is there a way to change the language of the time/date and 12/24 format ?

Thanks !

I cannot get this to load. I’m using the default settings for the add-on but get the below message and nothing more:



  base_url: !secret base_url  
  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

What have I done wrong? Please help as I really want to give this a try!

Wrong port number, Unless you have changed it it will still be 8123. the 7080 is the port you will navigate to so you can see the UI

yeah, thats the message I get when trying to open the UI in its own web browser. I can see the loading screen for the UI below it but it never fully loads

So you are navigating to then in the settings setting the server url to

I view HassIO at but when I click open in web UI from the add-on page it loads up a new window at

Yep that’s right, But when the msg box pops up like your screenshot… Change the 7080-8123

I just tried that and it just pops back up again

No worries, What browser are you using?

google chrome

Ok, So click on “open in web UI” it will take you to then at the top the little info button next to the search bar click on that, Should have “site settings” option. Click that then right at the bottom of the screen click “Reset site settings” then refresh page

sadly that didnt work

Hmm, You found the right screen I was talking about?

yep, i hit reset settings then refreshed the page, i still get the message about the address.

So basically the wrong server url has been put into the settings setup, we need to reset it so it will load this page.

Then you can do a manual setup.