Community Add-on: Shinobi Pro

I’m not sure! Depends on the input & output streams. Shinobi supports stream copies (in case the input & output streams are the same). They are pretty lightweight, so you might actually put up some cameras in that case.

I would love to learn some real world experiences on that specific one.

You guys seem all to have missed the “superuser panel” instructions from the installation steps.

Any suggestions on improving the description?

This is actually a bug in Shinobi so it seems…
@moeiscool Any idea?

Hi @TheCellMC,

Judging by the error logs provided, it seems like you are running into specific issues with Shinobi that are not caused by the add-on itself.

I would advise you to ask support on this one at the Shinobi community or Discord chat.

Thanks @frenck

I want to confirm my mariadb config looks correct after adding Shinobi. Can you or someone else take a look?

  "databases": [
  "logins": [
  "username": "hass",
  "host": "homeassistant",
  "password": "REDACTED"
  "username": "shinobi",
  "host": "shinobi",
  "password": "REDACTED"
  "rights": [
  "username": "hass",
  "host": "homeassistant",
  "database": "homeassistant",
  "grant": "ALL PRIVILEGES ON"
  "username": "shinobi",
  "host": "shinobi",
  "database": "shinobi",
  "grant": "ALL PRIVILEGES ON"

It’s incorrect.

The “host” for shinobi is incorrect!
The host for Shinobi would be: a0d7b954-shinobi (I guess, I simply use % since my machine is firewalled already)

Got it, thanks @frenck.

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you rock dude

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I was having issues with starting add-on, it would immediately stop so there were no logs recorded under the add-on

If you look under -> System and at the system logs i saw that Port 5000 was already in use

[hassio.docker] Can’t start addon_a0d7b954_shinobi: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error (“driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint addon_a0d7b954_shinobi (8f2bb6d41daceb4001d3c6a64154fd4c8143db79b13981c678e0badde8ea0000): Bind for failed: port is already allocated”)

Turns out the Google Assistant Webserver add-on was using the same port.

I changed the port number to 5001 and now able to start the Shinobi add-on

Hope this helps someone

Also thanks @frenck for making this available


It is 0.66.1 install on a raspberry pi 3 model B. I am at work, so I can’t test much right now. When I tried it the other day it would not start at all through and no logs were a shown. Changing the log_level did not seem to affect it. I will try changing the port to see if that works Appreciate the help!

Edit: probably should have tested the port change before typing this… Changing the port to 5001 did allow it to start. :+1: Thanks @uniqueandy29

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Just wanted to say that I got this up and running first time… This after me trying and failing to configure Shinobi multiple times on docker, linux etc… This add-on worked straight away.

Just one piece of advice… I dont think that this is really going to work on a RPI. Especially if you have more than a couple of camera’s. More so if you have a big HA config. I have noticed HA can be quite resource hungry, so If you have a big HA config and more than a couple of camera’s then I would recommend putting any NVR onto a standalone box.

I have a i7 NUC with 16GB ram, so that is quite possibly why my experience with this addon was seamless and a pure pleasure… Thanks for all the hard work in getting it up and running… Now I just cant wait for the Shinobi Component for HA ;-)!

Up and running! As @uiguy pointed out, the performance is not the best on RPi, and the RAM looks to be fully maxed. Might be upgrading to something more powerful to get everything I want. Thanks @frenck!

For those of you that can’t get the add-on to start, you most likely have appdeamon for hadashboard installed and it also uses port 5000 for it’s http port as well. @Frenck you might want to select a different default port for your hassio add-on container.



I totally agree!


Can anyone help me getting a local (USB Webcam) feed into the Shinobi Add-on? I have a Genius WideCam F100 plugged into my NUC and I want to be able to expose this local cam as stream into my main instance oif Shinobi…

I also have the MOtion Add-on which I disabled to try and get the local cam working but couldnt get it right…

Any ideas?


Just had the same problem.

So, I’m at the login screen and when I put the default super user information in my login screen just reloads.

That sounds like you are on the wrong login screen. There are multiple. The super user login screen is the only one that accepts the super user logins. Ensure you are login in into /super (ending URL). See the installation steps for the details.

The addon is working really well for me!
I just have one question which I couldn’t find an answer for:
Since this is running in a docker container, how could you install the motion plugin?

Currently, You can not use the motion plugin yet.
I’m planning on adding / activating it in the next release (just like the other plugins).